ISO Booth Ideas

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ISO Booth Ideas

Post by southern9999 »

I need to build an ISO booth for vocals, I am looking at making it 8'x8' with 7' ceiling. This will be built inside a room. Mainly looking to isolate from any soft light noise, soft outside traffic. Also not a lot of money left right now, so it needs to be cost effective, since I bought my equipment.

I can record instruments cause they are direct for right now, but to use my 3000 recording mic it picks up hints of sounds, not bad but they are there.

Does anyone have a plan for an affordable ISO booth to get me started until money gets better?

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Post by knightfly »

Absolute cheapest way is a long mic cord and a walk-in closet (leave the clothes, just push them aside enough to get in) - close the door (turn on the light first) and see if it works well enough.

If so, you're done til the next tax return check - if not, sheet rock and 2x4's are the least expensive thing that actually WORKS - even that gets expensive for something that will give good isolation, just a decent door will run around $100 if you find a good deal.

Also, you do NOT want to build a booth with any two dimensions the same - the best combinations of dimensions I've found are odd numbers (like 3,5,7 feet or 5,7,9 feet (not 3' used with 9') also, with 8' ceilings 7 and 5 feet work well, or for a smaller booth 3,5,8 feet is good.

Judging by the # of questions I'm getting about this, it looks like plans for a booth should be near the top of my "to do" list, sorta like everything else :?

I'm not sure what you mean by "not a lot of money" - if you can give a dollar figure, I can suggest some possible alternatives... Steve
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Post by southern9999 »

Around 400 to 500 dollars would be about it right now. This would let me get started getting clean vocals I hope,,,,,,,

Any and all help is appreciated

Thanks for trying to help me

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Post by knightfly »

OK, I forgot to ask you what part of which country you're in - we have members from around the world, and material prices are all over the map as well. I posted a request at the top of this forum, but it doesn't stand out enough for everyone to see it - could you please update your profile with at least a general area, preferably nearest city under Location?

I did a search for "vocal booth plans" and came up pretty empty, unless you want to pay for them. Still not many, so I'm planning to add that to my never-ending list of needed CAD drawings but I'm not sure how soon that will happen.

If your needs aren't too drastic, you could just build a basic stud frame and put insulation in it, and a couple layers of sheet rock on each side, with a well-sealed solid core exterior door - just stay away from even dimensions and same length walls, the absolute worst would be an 8 x 8 room with 8 foot ceilings.

Please post your general area, and I'll see what can be done for your price range. Have you already tried the closet route? Steve
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Post by southern9999 »

I am sorry Steve. Updated profile,,,location is Pulaski, VA 24301 USA.

I did a search on both google and askjeeves and could find nothing myself besides 3 and 4 thousand dollar premade booths.

The closet wont work, my recording is done in a office I rented. Since most of my work is direct recording I didnt have to worry too much about the room, it is paneling on all walls with carpet over concrete and the ceiling is suspended. The problem I am having is when I record vocals which I cant get direct, lol, I pick up some noise from the lights which unfortunately are flourescent.

Future plans for me in a few months will be to work on my control room. And make a drum room, but for now this is what I have. So it will be like a room in a room because I cant attach anything to the existing walls.

Thanks for all you help.
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Post by VSpaceBoy »

Well first and foremost...why not turn off the lights while recording.
I'm sure you can see enough without them with the light from the computer monitor. If not grap you a little flashlight. I have even turned off my computer monitor before while recording an acoustic. Just set 'er up and learn the hot keys instead of the mouse commands.

For $500 you would probably be better off getting some moving blankets or making a gobo or two to save money until you get more of it. IMO the money would get you a nice isolated room, but then you would have to deal with the bad sound of that small room then spend MORE money trying to correct that.

Just my thoughts,

Last edited by VSpaceBoy on Sun Nov 09, 2003 4:06 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by knightfly »

Yeah, flourescents tend to be a bitch. If not the electrical noise, it's the damn ballasts humming. For starters, I'd get some incandescent portable lighting and just turn off the wall switch when recording.

Now that I know you need a full-blown free-standing room, I'll try to find time to draw up a basic plan. Like I said, it's something a lot of people have expressed interest in, and the only thing I've seen besides the $$mega-booths, is a set of plans on CD for $30. Those are at, but he won't even show you a picture without $$$, so I've no way of knowing if it's worth it or not.

Mode-wise, a 5 x 6 x 7 (inside) booth looks very good. It will also fit into an 8 foot ceilinged area if necessary, and is big enough for 3 (very) friendly vocalists or 1-2 with a guitar, so that's what I'm going to start with. Once I finish (don't stop breathing while you wait, I have 'way too many projects still open) you could change dimensions to suit, just do NOT make any two dimensions the same, or more than one dimension in even # of feet.

I'm not yet sure what this will cost to build, so I'd recommend saving your cash while I try to finish it - A rough figure would be around $7-800 complete with air circulation, door, small glass double window, jack plates but with NO acoustic treatment inside. That's a REALLY rough "top of the head" figure, so don't hold me to it.

STC of this would run about 45 with glass, but a door will pull it down to about 40, even with careful weatherstripping so it's impractical to build walls for more than maybe 52-55 dB. Not getting carried away on walls will help keep costs down slightly, but don't expect the booth to keep drums out or in...

Who knows, if I ever get this finished maybe I could sell the plans (not for $30 though, seems a bit high) enough times to quit my DDJ (Dreaded Day Job) - that way I could maybe finish my own projects, help people here even more, and STILL get more than 4 hours sleep a night... Steve
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Post by southern9999 »

Thanks Steve for the input and your help,,, no need to spend time on an iso design as I will figure it out. I went to askjeeves and google before posting the question. I dont like wasting peoples time if I can find the answer but it wasnt there. And I figured with all the plans and stuff in here it may have been already figured.

And Ron, well what can I say, I am glad in YOUR posts for help, you didnt get such smart answers. I know you can turn the lights off, dahhhh. As far as getting light from the computer monitor, oh probably since I use two of them, unfortunately they are in another room. But apparently in your haste to respond with a smart answer you didnt read the original post. I guess the lights being turned off will eliminate the soft road noise. Of course, then again why would you, you have all the answers.

I am glad from reading this site over that there are a lot of people in here trying to help with responsible ideas. A lot of knowledge in here.

Keep up the good work Steve, hopefully the great answers you and most of the other people wont be ruined by the smart ones.
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Post by JoeMilner »

One thing that caught my eye in the description of your space was
"and the ceiling is suspended". So, that means you may have more ceiling height than 7 feet? If you're in a typical office building, you may have much higher ceilings than you think, which would let you build a taller booth, which could make a huge difference (improvement) in the acoustics. Maybe you could remove a section of the drop ceiling, build your booth, and then if you move you could simply re-install the ceiling.
Anyway, just a thought.

And by the way, why are you bashing Ron? He's just trying to help you out, like everyone else on this board, why are you saying things like "I know you can turn the lights off, dahhhh" How does he know what your studio layout is? It seems that you're the one with the "smart answers" to people who are trying to help you.....
Joe Milner
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Post by southern9999 »

My sincere appologies Ron, I stand corrected. In my search for trying to do what is probably not normal I did over react.

I hope you accept this apology as I am the one that wasnt thinking properly.

I just took it wrong. What I thought would be a simple project is turning out to be a nightmare.

What I am trying to do is build some type of iso booth that a singer can record in that is free standing. From what I understand of gobo's they wouldnt help my flourescent noice or the soft traffic noise. I am not trying to put it in the room to eliminate live drum sounds cause I realize the budget isnt there.

You are correct on the ceiling height. Actually I have 9 feet before the suspended ceiling. I guess the best thing to do is draw it up as it is and that way everyone could be on the same page.

Once again, I truly apologize RON, I was clearly out of line. Thanks for your input.
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Post by knightfly »

Hey, Southern (got a first name?) we all have bad days, myself included. This stuff can be a real bear to sort out, there are so many options and no "pat" answers so it's really easy to get stressed - you handled this just right by admitting you took it wrong and apologising - next step, everybody goes on about their business, hopefully with no hard feelings.

That's much better than a few of the forums on other boards, which I've complained about several times to their non-existent "moderators" -

I've decided that if any such "flame wars" get started here, the way I intend to handle it is to state in the offending thread that I will NEVER, repeat NEVER, post an answer to ANYTHING asked by ANYONE who talks to the offending parties from that moment on. That way, the "flamers", AND those who acknowledge them, have a choice. If they want any help from me EVER, they can refuse to perpetuate the offending thread. I know I could just "lock" the thread, but I won't tolerate the kind of rudeness here that I see in other boards.

Southern, Ron, the above paragraph does NOT apply to you - as I said, we all have our bad days and this has been handled, thank you...

Any questions, you can read the "sticky" at the top of this forum titled "everybody, life calls" -

Southern, I'm not sure if it will be in time for your benefit, probably not; but I do intend to start on a complete set of detailed plans for a free-standing, ventilated iso-booth soon. As I said, there's enough of a demand that I may set it up as a paid download, probably around $10 or so. Not that I'm trying to be greedy, but I've been donating probably around 25-30 hours a week for quite a while, and could have spent that time working overtime much more profitably. If this plan project happens, trust me it will be worth it.

Speaking of which, Thank you very much Joe, your generosity is much appreciated, I hope your project is going well ?

"nuff said guys, thank you all for handling this like grown-ups... Steve
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Post by VSpaceBoy »

Thanks Joe for helping put things in perspective for southern.

Southern... its awwll guud..

I was only trying to give some input. :D

I still stand by my thoughts though. As far as the gobos, they WILL help with SOME traffic noise. Just depends on what freqencies are the problem. With the right mic placement and gobo placement, you would notice a difference. I know from experience as I just finished doing a similar thing.

To add you could always build two gobos, hang a moving blanket over the top and you have yourself a portable room. But again, it all depends on how back the traffic is. For me in my situation it worked just fine.

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Post by southern9999 »

When I mess up, I mess up. Well Ron, I turned off the lights, bought a lamp at Wal- mart and recorded some vocals,,,,,, mama mia. It worked.
I looked for an emoticon that had egg on its face and couldnt come up with one :oops: . Does anyone have a link to building some gobo's :lol:

Thanks for taking it easy on me, I deserved what ever you threw.
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Post by knightfly »

Interesting thing here is that Ron posted his "lights off" suggestion while I was finishing my post with the same suggestion, and I didn't see his til later - Oh well, my personal feeling is that the first day I don't learn something is the first day it's OK to die...

Here's one of the later gobo threads, looks useful in several ways -

If you do something similar, you could put the slat side in and the soft sides should partially absorb outside noises, while the slats keep your vocal tracks from being too dry.

However, the only way you will get COMPLETE isolation to a given level, is with a hermetically sealed room... Steve
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Post by southern9999 »

Hi Steve,

I would gladly pay for the plans, I dont mind at all. Thanks for the gobo plans, a couple of questions or thoughts though, what size are the holes in the body and since you can only get one side from the 4x8 sheet of fiberboard, can you go ahead and build one 4' wide instead of 3' or are the sizes for a reason.

I have been to lowes, home depot and 84 lumber and cant get or find any 730 board or the others listed. Since it appears the fiberglass board is so much better than r13 or r19, where do you find it?

Thanks for all your help. Just think, this is all for temp solutions. In about 6 months you all are going to have to put up with me when I started construction on a real studio. If things keep going like they are.
I just started recording actual vocals so all this just hit, mostly I have been doing sound tracks for singers so its becoming a different world real quick.

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