phases, grounding and outlets conundrum

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phases, grounding and outlets conundrum

Post by whatalob »


I would like to ask if someone can verify that I understood the info in this forum corretctly.

I have a two-room studio with one outlet in the live room for guitar & bass amps and two in the CR for the rest of the equipment which will be, an interface, a channel strip, a DSP module, some more outboard, two macs (on UPS) and other gear like MIDI controllers etc. (there are other outlets in the room but for other stuff)

I am definetely on a 3 phase circuit as it is an industrial building and as far as I understand the whole building runs a single grounding (?)

So my question is, should I get all of the audio gear outlets, from both rooms on the same phase? so other things like lights, A/C etc on the other two? Would I still need to implement a star grounding solution? Would it be
necessary to get balanced power through transformers?

Or have i just totally misunderstood everything?

thank you