Construction ?s

How thick should my walls be, should I float my floors (and if so, how), why is two leaf mass-air-mass design important, etc.

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Construction ?s

Post by musikman316 »

I have my floor plan for the studio posted in the other forum, and I have some questions about the SAE sites construction methods.

1) 2x16mm plasterboard. Is that 5/8" drywall?

2) double layer yellow tounge flooring. Is this yellow pine tounge/groove 3/4" plywood?

3) 50mm insulation? What type of insulation do you reccommend?

4) Floor joists, are you reccommending 2x4s on their side? and spaced on 16" centers?

5) Neoprene? Length, width and thickness? Is there a durometer (hardness) that you reccommend? What are the sizes of the pads, and what spacing do you use?

6) Windows? What type of windows are reccommended looking from the control into the main studio. Are double paned windows acceptable, what degree do you set them at?

Thanks for your help,
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Location: Wichita, Kansas

Post by musikman316 »

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Post by sharward »

Welcome to the Studio Construction forum, Josh! I'm one of the unofficial greeters here -- kind of like the guy at Wal-Mart, but no blue vest or uniform. In fact, I'm more like the guy you run into at the store who just won't shut up. ;)

Anyway... I see that you've had some stuff going on in the design forum, and now you're posting on this forum to ask some construction-related questions. Cool. 8)

You'll definitely want to carefully review the "Before You Post" Post, as there is a wealth of helpful information linked from it, as well as details about some thinks you can do to help the brains of this crew help you... Such as editing your profile to reflect your location, among other things.

Also, as mentioned in that post, bumping will actually potentially delay a response, rather than speed it up. By bumping, you actually make your post newer, and since most posts are answered in order received, you're actually landing at the end of the line.

Patience is also a prerequisite. The assistance is awesome, but sometimes you have to wait a little while for it.

Good luck with your project... The designs I've seen of it look really great.

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Post by Deluks »

You can find most of the answers in here by using search and reading up on stuff. You've also gotta update your profile to include location to get any serious answers.

I'll have a go anyway...

1) Yep, the very same. If you are in the UK, go with 12.5mm plasterboard, unless money is no object. Much cheaper than 15 or 19mm, which means you can afford to go with triple layers.

2) No idea :?

3) Rockwool RW5 / Rocksil RS** / Owen Corning 703 Rigid Fibreglass / Acoustic Mineral Wool etc etc They all do the same job, but it depends on where you live as to which one you can get hold of.
50mm as a bare minimum, but 100mm if you can afford it, or any size in between.

4) I guess it depends on what kind of weight you expect them to carry.

5) Unless you are a maths professor with loads of cash, don't bother with a floating floor. Although it all depends on where you intend building the studio. If it's an upstairs room of a house, or an apartment, be prepared to spend, spend, spend!!!

6) Double pane ONLY! Not one, not three, not eight panes, just two. Glass should be as thick as possible, preferable of differing thicknesses. What degree you set them at is irrelevant, they need to be as far apart as you can them. Angled panes are purely for aesthetic reasons AFAIK.

I only know this stuff by swotting up on it over the last few weeks. I suggest you do the same, it's addictive reading!

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Post by knightfly »

Josh, the SAE site is older information and pertains in some things specifically to Australia and its common terms and practices; for a more up to date and region-specific answer, please first follow the steps HERE -

and then I can help you with your further questions... Steve
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