Old tire

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Old tire

Post by Coconut »

Hello everyone, first post Jocelyn greetings!

First of all sorry for my English my French is better !
Two questions;
1-It is good to put some old tire under my 2x4 for my flooting floor?
2- Is there another material similar to sheet block available in Canada?
I did a few store today, no one know anything around Ottawa and Montreal about sheet block. I'm stuck, I'm not sure what kind of material to use.

Best Regards!

bert Stoltenborg
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Post by bert Stoltenborg »

Floating a floor on rubber needs calculations.
The rubber should be compressed and be able to move to the sides because it has low internal damping.
So just putting flaps of old tire under a floor probably won't work :D

Auralex has U-boats you maybe can use, and Auralex has an extremely helpfull and competent chief engineer (Jeff) you can reach in different newsgroups and who might tell you all details you need.

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Post by AVare »

Ask for rubber or EPDM of 60 Shore A (also called durometer) hardness.

12.7 mm thickness is usually used without going ginto calculations. I STRONGLY recommed ding hte calculaitons! You may make things worse!

Paul Woodlock has excellent knowledge on this.

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