Updated Wall and Ceiling design - comments please

How thick should my walls be, should I float my floors (and if so, how), why is two leaf mass-air-mass design important, etc.

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Updated Wall and Ceiling design - comments please

Post by JohnGardner »

After much tooing and frooing I think I have finally got by head around the cross section of my design.

I am running the joists left to right acoss the room not down the room and plan to sit the new joist on top of the new inside out wall I am building.

I have checked the span with a builder and 90x45mm joist is fine to support the two layers of 10/13mm gypsm board and the rock wool.

My only concern is sealing this room.

Because I have a inside out wall and the ceiling joists will sit on the wall studs the wall and ceiling gypsm cannot connect. I will have to seal the point where the gypsm touches the wall stud. Will this be a problem or do you guys think this looks OK.

Please bear in mind:

My builder thinks I am crazy with the inside out wall design. He thinks it is alot of extra work for now extra reward and will be really hard to seal.

I don't want to touch the existing wall and ceiling at all as when we move I will pull the new studio walls and ceiling down to convert it back to a games room.

I am running the new joists across the room , not down the room as it is long and skinny.

Cooments on this design would be great.
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Post by knightfly »

John, the part of your construction drawing that is vertical - still a 3-leaf construction, any way to eliminate that middle leaf?

Sorry for the brevity, gotta get to work... Steve
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Post by JohnGardner »

Hey Steve,

I think you are talking about the existing gyspm wall. If so the anwer is no. I can't touch the original walls or ceiling at all.

This is the reason I was going with the inside out wall design with new 90x45mm roof joists resting on top of these new walls. I can't build a double wall due to space constraints in my live room. and I can't attach a new ceiling to the existing ceiling. Both my new walls and new ceiling have to be free standing and independent of the existing structure.

I am just concerned that I will have trouble sealing the new ceiling and new walls because there is no point where the gysym board is coming togeather.

I have highlighted my proposed caulking aeras as below for your comments
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Post by JohnGardner »

heres another drawing of the total design for my builder
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Post by JohnGardner »

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Post by knightfly »

Definitely better - check out my last post (8-11-04) here,


use that drawing to check your plans for correct mass-air-mass construction - pretend you're a sound, and try to get from one spot to another - if you have to travel through more or less than mass-air-mass, then it's NOT optimum... Steve
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Post by JohnGardner »

Thanks Steve,

I guess I,m looking pretty good bearing in mind that there is another layer of mass to get through before the sound hits the real world.

It's just the caulking I,m worried about between the ceiling gypsm and the inside out wall.

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Post by knightfly »

I just re-read your earlier post - do you need to be able to take this all down at some date? IF so, you will need to try to use some type of weather strip to seal instead of caulk, unless you intend to remodel before you leave.

Other than that, it looks like your "green spots" are fine for where you need to seal.

More description of what's already there and what you intend to add might help - am I correct in the assumption you're maybe renting, or at least planning to sell in the near future?
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Post by JohnGardner »

Hey Steve,

Thanks for the reply.

We have just brought this place. The building I am going to covert was used as a games room / office by the previous owners. It is really nicely finished, carpeted and painted inside.

I suppose all I'm really trying to afford is damaging the existing walls and ceiling to much in case when we eventually sell it may be easier to find a buyer as a house with a games room/office as apposed to a house with a recording studio!! But no big deal. (keep the wife happy reading between the lines).

I really appreciate your help, Ive asked some dumb questions but now finally think I have got my head around what needs to be done.

Thanks for your help

JohnG from New Zealand.
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Post by knightfly »

Hey John, glad to help - BTW, as far as I'm concerned the only dumb question is one you don't ask - I get really irate with people who get a little knowledge crammed into their noggin and then start acting like they're God's gift - everyone starts out knowing nothing about nothing - the trick is to REMEMBER how little you once knew - if more people could do that, we'd see a lot less arrogance in the world.

Please don't ever hesitate to ask a question - if there is no one here who knows the answer, we'll FIND the answer. And I've stated in the past how I would deal with anyone making fun of someone who's trying to learn - let's just say that the guilty party shouldn't EVER expect to learn anything here again, not from ANY member here. Period. I've gotten spoiled by the quality of our membership and the total LACK of hostility exhibited by everyone here, and really want it to STAY that way. I find that atmosphere much more conducive to learning, and that's what this board is all about.

So, anyway - don't stop the questions because you think you've already asked too many; only stop when you know what you need to know... Steve
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Post by JohnGardner »

Big ups to you Steve
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Post by knightfly »

"Big ups to you Steve" - mainly to our incredible membership - I'm just the asshole who wants to KEEP it that way :lol:
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