need help , starting n new stidio in za

Plans and things, layout, style, where do I put my near-fields etc.

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need help , starting n new stidio in za

Post by Allen »

good day i am new to big stiodio designs. we curently have a 3x3m vioce booth.
whe are moving in a new building with a our music school and we whant a biger stiodio to do chore recordings as wel. the room for the booth is 11x5 meters and the room for controll is 6x4 meters. the stidio wil have a drum booth and a booth for getaar / vioolin recordings.
what layout will you prevor on thes setup. and how will you doo the layout and design?
i will do some drawings and load them up so you can see howe the too rooms are laying teword eacheser?

sorry about spelling ? i am afrikaans

thanks :oops:
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John Sayers
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Re: need help , starting n new stidio in za

Post by John Sayers »

Allen - I'm going to move your thread to the Design forum.
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Re: need help , starting n new stidio in za

Post by jhbrandt »


I look forward to seeing the drawings, Please include ceiling height. We'll help all that we can.

John H. Brandt
"Twenty Thousand Dollars worth of Snap-On Tools doesn't make you a Professional Diesel Mechanic"
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