Soffit mounting M-audio bx8a's

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Soffit mounting M-audio bx8a's

Post by Preludetojune »

Hi there, have any of you guys mounted these speakers with soffit mounting? is there a marked improvement with these speakers and soffit mounting, what r your experiences as im planning on mounting mine in this way in my new studio
Jannik Gade
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Post by Jannik Gade »

Jup, I suffit mounted my b8x (not bx8a though) and I must say that there's a big difference.

Before I suffitmounted them I found that they had a very unclear and distant low end, and no drive at all.. the mids and highs were okay though..

Now suffitmounted (also in a new room) the have a much beter low end responce, tight and heavy.. only now the hi-mid isen't that clear, but I think that is because of early reflections - easy fix :)

Remember to set the back switches correctly ;)

- Jannik
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Re: Soffit mounting M-audio bx8a's

Post by zombieweeh »

Hey jannik gade can you put the design than you use to soffit the monitors??
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