frederic, great to see you here!
Thanks, great to be here.
First of all, let me say I am 100% pro soffit mounting. If you can soffit mount your subs, that's great. Preferably you should mount them
The wall my console table will be facing (i.e., the back of the monitors will be facing) is the slanted ceiling wall, so the wall is 13 feet wide and about 36" high. I lose 3.75" of that due to headers and footers of that wall. So, thats 32.25 inches worth of usable space. The 15" sub I have will fit, but only if I downfire the sub at the floor. If I face it forward I have to turn it and cut out studs (which are support studs, unfortunately).
I could use smaller subs, thats not a problem at all, say two eights. Amps I got, no biggie.
as much towards the vertical center as possible - and as close to the monitors as possible. Moving subs away from the wall and floor intersections will help reduce their excitation of room modes. Actually, slightly off center is best, say 3/5 the way from the floor to the ceiling.
Got it. 3/5. Would that still apply with a wierd wall like mine? Do I face them down with coves underneath them? Or, face them forward at my knees (rather than my shins)?
Anything else is a roll of the dice that will likely not come up in your favor. The best you can do in this case is ensure that the subs and monitors have flat pass bands that overlap by a minimum of 1.5 octaves on either side of the crossover point. Sadly, this is not the case with most implementations.
With the electronics I have, I can control the volume applied to the subs, as well as the crossover point left and right (or combined if one dual coil sub), and if its a matter of tuning with an RTA I'm happy to do that. My monitors are not exactly the best monitors in the world (Aiwa Home Theater double woofer with all three drivers replaced with vifa components) but I'm used to them.
And two subs are better than one. Subs are typically over taxed and create a lot of distortion. The more amps and surface area you have sharing the load the better. Also having two subs allows you to mount them off center horizontally as well, and closer to the monitors presenting less of a time misalignment issue.
I can do this.
Though, my monitors (whether my hybrids, my event 20/20's, or possibly behringer truths down the road) are not soffit mounted and never will be, because of the ceiling slant. i have to have them about four feet from the wall minimum to clear the ceiling and leave some "air" behind them.
The subs would then be 4' behind them. I presume thats not terribly ideal, aye? heh-heh
thanks for the comments!