How thick should my walls be, should I float my floors (and if so, how), why is two leaf mass-air-mass design important, etc.

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Post by knightfly »

Looks like things are back to normal (sorta) - anyone missing info, please re-ask questions in your original thread - the webmaster had a backup through 12-18-04, so anything AFTER that is toast.

IF I posted any drawings after that, and you need them, ask in your own thread - I always keep copies and can resubmit.

If anyone knows who was responsible for this, and has a home address, please let me know; I have 20 gallons of gas and a lighted match just WAITING for a chance to purge the world of sick bastards. (Can you tell I'm displeased??!? :x :evil: :evil: :x
bert Stoltenborg
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Post by bert Stoltenborg »

this is mucho better!
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20 gallons of gas and a match...

Post by jatougas »

Knightfly -

As a computer tech for the past four years, I put into writing my battle plan for dealing with virus writers...

Step 1: Hit 'im in the head with a brick.
Step 2: Mug 'im.
Step 3: Steal his computers (may be faster than mine).
Step 4: Duct tape his hard drives to his body, left on police station steps with appropriate documentation.
Step 5: Repeat Step 1 as necessary to keep malcontent unconscious.

- jatougas
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Post by knightfly »

I prefer the TWO brick method - one brick in each hand, brought together smartly in the immediate area of the groin - surprisingly enough, this doesn't hurt a bit if done right; the biggest mistake is NOT keeping your thumbs out of the impact area between bricks... :twisted:
Silicon Audio Labs
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Post by Silicon Audio Labs »

Or just use Mac's for all server/email/hosting/ftp-ing etc..

Never got a worm or a virus in 19 years
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Post by knightfly »

Yeah, there are pro's and con's to both platforms; but even as a die-hard PC user I gotta admit that's one area where Mac rules - maybe partly because us "po people" are usually stuck with PC's, and most likely to perpetrate viruses in a pathetic attempt to "get back" at whoever the original target was...

My original beef with mac was that I thought all the big-wigs there were arrogant bastards and wouldn't contribute to their wealth (then I found out more of what "Billy G" was like :? ) - also, it's only been in the last few year that macs have gotten less than twice the price for the equivalent computing power, and there is STILL nowhere NEAR the range of software available for the mac platform.

My son (graphic designer) uses mainly macs, and uses Virtual PC for PC apps with good success; so at least the software limitations are less these days; on the cost thing, I fronted the $$$ for a system a few years ago that, had it been a PC, would have cost around $2k instead of $5k, but I know it's gotten closer now.

Still, from a practical viewpoint it's hard to argue with peace of mind, or to put a price on it... Steve
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Post by Silicon Audio Labs »

Wow - fast reply (good one too).

We use both here - but love our Mac's - the thing about computing power on the Mac's is, say in example, a 1.5GHZ G4/G5 will run about as fast as a 2.5~3GHZ Pentium and that speed ratio has been in place for many years.

32bit - later 64bit, data pathways for everything AROUND (before & after) the CPU that makes a difference.

No platform wars anybody PA-LEASE!!! We have racks of PC's too (1 rack space X 6) and there's good & bad on both sides.

Ok, design question: You know that space (the wall actually) ABOVE the console (and above the control room glass) where it meets the ceiling?

Most studios have this angled out and we're about to FINALLY treat this spot in the studio here. What is the thinking there? I know its "kind-of" like a bass trap, but is it a filled space? CAN it be somewhat hollow (resonance free of course)? Foam? Absorptive? Semi-Reflective? Diffused? Semi-Diffused?

We always use Fibonacci's golden rule (0·61803) for angles but what about materials, density and leafing?

Michael Scott
Last edited by Silicon Audio Labs on Thu Dec 30, 2004 9:06 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by slackmaster2k »

The worm that took this place down was a server to server program and could have infected any server running PHP + phpbb, regardless of whether it's OSX, windoze, linux, etc.

Anyway, OSX uses Apache as a web server, and at its core is BSD so mac servers are very much as vulnerable to the same types of attacks as your more common Linux+apache, Freebsd+apache servers.

I agree with the bricks to the groin idea for these damn script kiddies.
Boden Larson
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Post by knightfly »

Viruses, scripters, worms, etc - just proves there is still a use for nuclear warheads or napalm, too bad it's so hard to dig the little weasels out of their holes...

Mac vs PC - this will NEVER be agreed upon, this was the least rabid version of this argument I've ever seen, and this isn't the place anyway (Construction, remember ?)

Michael, rather than have your construction question get lost to future searches, it would be better if you cut and paste that part into a new thread with appropriate title; that way everyone who's interested can find it, and we can let THIS thread die...

Slack, would a higher version of our php stuff make any diff as to vulnerability, or is that just a waste of $$$ - thanks, and great job getting us back in the saddle... Steve
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Post by jatougas »

You should be able to download the latest php set for free from the website, .

One of the nicer things to come out of the internet explosion is that programming languages like php, perl, and the servers they go on, like Apache, are free to dirt cheap.

I have my own web/file server running at home on Debian, using Apache & PHP for the web server, and SAMBA for the file sharing, and it runs like a top.

Didn't pay a penny for the software. :-D

- jatougas
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Post by slackmaster2k »

This server is running PHP 4.3.10 which is the latest version. Yeah it's resistant to the nasty stuff that's been going around....but I've heard some scarey rumors about...well, we won't think about those for now :) I'm dumping this database daily so if anything does happen it won't be as dramatic as last time.
Boden Larson
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Post by knightfly »

Slack, thanks again; sure been a lot happier with things in general (and speed in particular) since you took over... Steve
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Post by Ptownkid »

If PC's were the minority and macs were the majority, there'd be more viruses attacking macs. The only reason pc's are the hardest hit is because the people responsible for these damn things know that a pc is the most common computer. It's along the same lines as why older versions of windows are sometimes referred to as "more-stable" and less likely to be infected. Simply due to the fact that the majority of pc users are using XP, so the virus creators make their viruses for XP.

Anyway, I love macs too, but I've been a PC man for a long time, and until the price gets closer, or less than double, I'm gonna keep building pc's.

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Post by frederic »

Well, since you're already running PHP for this BBS, hopefully you're not running windows.

RH9, Apache, PHP and this BBS software is a winning combination. And Linux has by far better firewalling built in than Windows. IPtables (or ipchains) is your friend...

And linux runs very fast even on older hardware...
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