12meters x 3 meters to build a studio can it be done???

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12meters x 3 meters to build a studio can it be done???

Post by banned »

:?: I am hoping to build a personal studio in an area of 12m x 3m does any one think it can be done???????? i am looking to have three rooms

1. 3m x 3m for the studio

2. 6m x 3 m for the dead room ( guitars etc )

3. 3m x 3m for the live room ( drums , voclas )

please help !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Post by dymaxian »

What kind of music will you be recording in here?

It's possible to design a studio to fit in there (we've had smaller basement studios than that) but I personally would adjust the sizes of the rooms somewhat...

For me, personally, the biggest room should be the one you're tracking drums in, the live room. A dead room won't benefit from size the way a live room will. And besides, drums take up lots more space than guitar.

So what I'd do is this...

4m x 3m Control room (dont make it square- otherwise 3x3 wouldn't be so bad)

6m x 3m Live room (drums)

2m x 3m dead room (guitars)

That's just what I'd pick- your style of music and recording techniques may require different things. But with these basic sizes, you don't have any square rooms, either. ^_^

Anyway, whatever the sizes of the other two rooms, try to not make your control room square. 4m x 3m will give you a small, but useable control room. Well treated, it could sound good.


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Post by knightfly »

I won't BAN you if you don't, but could you please edit your profile to include a location? Makes it easier to recommend stuff based on custom and availability. Thanks... Steve
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