vocal booth Questions

How thick should my walls be, should I float my floors (and if so, how), why is two leaf mass-air-mass design important, etc.

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vocal booth Questions

Post by steefann »

Hello, I had some questions a year ago and posted them at this forum and you really helpt me out. Built the room exactly like I was adviced to do except for the celing. Thanks again!

( http://www.johnlsayers.com/phpBB2/viewt ... highlight= )
my drawing and the only thing that still is correct is the dimensions of the room : http://www.lenaleierth.com/studioplan.gif

The thing is that I love the concrete shitty sound when i record drums but hate it when I am recording vocals. That is the reason why I have decided to just isolate a certain area of the celing and maybe build a vocal/bass cabinet booth to keep things dry when that i s needed.

I'm pretty tired of recording vocals in the control room by the way :?

So my question is: should I try to "kill" the booth completely or should I leave some reflecting surfaces ?
The dimensions are supposed to be 45"70"100"-a third wall- (across the first and last mentioned wall).

Kind of tiny but I'm not sure how much size matters in this case?

One wall is going to be the the one with the control room window.. does that matter if I make the opposite wall is "dead"?
The 100" wall is allready isolated, 4" r.fiberglass placed 5" out from the wall. The celing is for the moment concrete and the floor also. The celing is 88" high by the way..

Any ideas?

Best Regards Stefan
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Post by AVare »

Would you mark on your drawing your planned construction please? Ten people can describe in words one construction eleven different ways.

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