The hangers are much lighter in weight and somewhat more "springy". I think I get it now, why it should work much better.
You will be placing pads ABOVE the speaker? Between the top surface of the speaker and the upper panel of the enclosure box? They will be exerting some pressure downwards on the speaker, so you need to account for that in your calculations. Add it to the weight of the speaker itself, since it basically acts like extra weight, and causes extra deflection.Looks like these 4 disc pads should do the trick
This is why it's important to build the box outside of the soffit, with some calculation and some "trial and error", to make sure that you get the correct deflection on ALL of the pads, on ALL sides of the speaker. The speaker itself won't be perfectly balanced: probably a bit heavier on the left side, or the right side, or heavier towards the front, or the back. You need to distribute the pads under it accordingly, so they are all deflected the same amount. If one pad is deflected significantly less or more than the others, that messes up the resonance calculations.
Floating speakers correctly isn't easy, but it sure is worth the trouble!
- Stuart -