Exterior shell of no consequence?

How thick should my walls be, should I float my floors (and if so, how), why is two leaf mass-air-mass design important, etc.

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Exterior shell of no consequence?

Post by cadesignr »

Hey Steve, I just HAD to post this after reading that thread at HR. Soooooooo, the exterior shell isn't even considered as part of the STC huh? Man, like I said, this stuff is subject to change at any time. :) Ok, soooooo, containment from within......ok, where do we go from here? Time to ignor three leaf stuff, and just add mass to the inside...then air, then more mass.......boy.....whats next...bubble wrap air gaps :)

alright, breaks over , back on your heads......
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Post by knightfly »

Go back to HR and check my response, Rick - don't chuck out all you've "learned" just yet... Steve
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Post by cadesignr »

Ok I did. And the next response. Well that about sums it up my in my book. Just as the diffusion subject. At least I have starter for this winters fires. :roll: I'd say its time for some new "stickys" maybe, eh? An education in current application theory is way out of my time line, and this rabbit hole is getting dark. Well, its time for work. Good grief. Where has the years gone. :shock: :? :roll: :cry: :twisted:
alright, breaks over , back on your heads......
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Post by knightfly »

You might keep this in mind - so far, no one I've helped finish a room or building has complained - quite the contrary. "Amped" in Austin finished his 20 x 24 "outbuilding" exactly as I recommended, after trying to deviate materials, etc, a few times - the end result was that he couldn't hear his drummer playing from outside the building 10 feet away. Next was acoustic treatment - again, he followed my suggestions and again, happy as a clam.

Nothing succeeds like success :?

On the other hand, me pappy used to tell me "never turn down an offer you haven't heard"... So let's just see where this leads, don't fret the small stuff, and maybe we can ALL learn a bit. That's my diabolical plan, stan...

As for your own projects, you know you can stop studying this crap any time it gets to be more than you want to deal with, and I'll still do my best to keep you from any mistakes as long as you talk it out BEFORE you build; so again, I wouldn't sweat the small stuff Rick, I've got your back... Steve
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