I wasn't sure what forum to post this in but my best guess is this one, if I am wrong, mods I apologize.
Recently (yesterday actually) I finished up connecting my 8 channel xlr wallplates (Redco) to my control room and my recording hall. They are on opposite sides of the wall from one another but are "over and under" each other. Connected the snake (pulsar tech gold plated) to my Digi 003 Rack+ and to my dismay there's a constant buzz and crackling noise in EACH channel (yes I tried different mics, different cables, used different IN's the whole deal). I eventually caved and plugged a mic line directly into the snake that's connected to my interface, and there was no noise. Which leads me to believe that its coming from the electrical line in the same wall (didn't really have a choice of placement on my plates). They ARE encased in PVC housing and are about 8 inches from the electrical line inside the wall.
I did some reading and talked to some people before I installed this and everyone said the "safety zone" is 12-18 inches from the electrical line and that if you had to be closer, using PVC housing around your XLR lines should save you. It didn't save me *sigh*.
I am at a complete loss on what to do, should I rip a huge chunk of my wall out and encase the electrical line in PVC also? (which I'd really rather not do) I've strained my brain on this quite a bit over the past few hours and figured I would throw myself at your mercy. If for some reason you need dimensions or pics feel free to ask and i can supply both. I can even make a vid if necessary.