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Battle of the walls

Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2003 7:35 pm
by cfuehrer
OK, which would be better for me to use? The rockwool or OC 700 series for the studio?

Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2003 10:16 pm
by giles117
Inside the wall or on the surface?

Inside, Rockwool, On the surface 700 Series

Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2003 11:30 pm
by Eric_Desart
Hello Brian,

I think that's not so explicite:
The Termafibre (rockwool) as referred in the USG article that Steve referred to is not free from commercial interest.

Thermafibre is a company that is owned by USG.
So USG mainly compares the traditional glassfiber filling with SAFB.
While the article is very good, take that into account.

BBC compared both glassfibre and rockwool and concludes that glassfiber gives better low frequent insulation in drywalls.

I feel BBC as one of the best related R&D departments. And they investigate exclusively in function of broadcasting and studios without any commercial interest.

I don't want to draw final conclusions. Just relativate things a bit.

Best regards

Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2003 11:46 pm
by cfuehrer
Inside the floors and walls.

Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2003 1:55 am
by knightfly
Carl, Eric makes a very valid point - when reading info on this stuff, it's necessary to consider the source, so to speak - Toyota isn't going to tell you that Honda makes a better SUV...

Depending on your location, sometimes it's what you can actually GET more than what's the best. Also, I would think that it's as important to get the right density in most cases as it is to get the right material.

Again keepin in mind that this is from USG, and ONLY deals with THEIR products, here is an article that helps explain some of the reasons for various performance specs - ... onperf.asp

The one section relating to low frequency performance makes me think that one should be careful NOT to go too dense on in-wall insulation (keep it UNDER 3 pcf, maybe even lower) since LF is harder to insulate for than mids or highs. I've even wondered about a "sandwich" with 701 as the "bread" and 703 as the "meat" - or perhaps just 703 in the center, with loose batts slightly compressed against each side to help with panel damping.

If you're even MORE confused, join the club - and trust me, it's NOT that EXCLUSIVE a club... Steve

Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2003 2:14 am
by giles117
Hence my practical suggestion :)

See all this theory can gag your mind. But for all intents and purposes, I'd put wool inside and 703 outside (or on an exposed surface)

Works for me and the handling of the material makes it easier to surface mount 700 series and in-wall mount mineral wool.

Bryan Giles

Honda will never say Toyotas are worse cars, they will tought their engineering specs and let you compare.

Remember 1994 "You have to drive it to believe it." Not, "We are better than everyone else"

I am a Honda Driver for 15 years if anyone wondered. :)

Bryan Giles

BTW, I am not confused. I am listening to this stuff in action everyday and have made adjustments based on what I heard. :)

If I read this stuff toooo deep I can get confused, so for all us who just wanna mix in a good room... :)

Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2003 3:07 am
by knightfly
Yeah, Hondas ROCK - Me, wife, both kids, all Honda, no hassle, just drive the damn thing...

As for walls, etc, in my particular case it doesn't matter HOW GOOD the acoustics are, I don't want to record my neighbors' freakin' dogs barking, or their lawnmowers, or their target practice (country living ain't as quiet as it's cracked up to be) I tend to obsess on isolation (12-foot thick concrete bunker inside a 17-foot thick concrete bunker with 30 foot air space hung with staggered 4x8 "bass hangers" would be just right, if I could afford it...

Your requirements may be less, but I have to agree I'd like to just record stuff and forget all the crap... Steve

Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2003 4:21 am
by giles117
Yeah My requirements are less, I just have to block out the guy with a 5000 watt car stereo, the neighbors music bumping right when I am recording, the dog across the alley barking, etc.. Not much to worry about. :)

Bryan Giles

Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2003 4:27 am
by cfuehrer
I just got a great 88 Honda Accord LX, ugly golden brown finish but the interior is immaculate. Drives nice! Best of all it was free!

Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2003 4:29 am
by giles117
Flip Up Headlights, Wish they'd bring that concept back. Plus it had the right ride. The newer ones feel over damped to me. Not sporty like the 86-89 model did.

Oh I wish... Going back to childhood.. :)

Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2003 10:15 am
by John Sayers
I had a Honda Accord 1983 hatch. Loved it - they are crazy- they should still be making them :)


Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2003 11:16 am
by giles117
Honda Thread. LOL

Great Engineers drive Hondas. (Tad arrogant huh. :) )