My one room studio plan.. some help needed!

How thick should my walls be, should I float my floors (and if so, how), why is two leaf mass-air-mass design important, etc.

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My one room studio plan.. some help needed!

Post by Fabian »

Hi all,

Great forum you got here, plenty of really useful stuff for my construction project. Problem is, that my setting is somewhat different from normal and I really don't want to mess this up. So, any ideas or tips would come in handy.

Ok, some details...

Here's the room from above:


So it's 10.49 ft x 14.78 ft (minus the black boxes), height of the room is 8.53 ft

North and east walls are concrete, room is in the basement so there is nothing behind them, just ground. Tricky thing is that there is another studio behind south wall and that (and the west wall w/ door) is lightweight build; wood studs, rockwool in between and fibreglass coated plywood on each side (2-leaf walls?).

The idea is to build a floating floor and then room inside on top of that. But I've been thinking is that the only way? Is it possible to save some $$$ and only build insulation to floor, and S & W walls?

Other thing is that if I just stick with the way I mentioned first (floating room), do I need to put something extra to S&W walls? Or how should I proceed with this? Pls, help me out and all your sins will be redeemed ;)
Thanks already!


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Post by malfunction »

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Post by Fabian »

Tattis :D


But still looking for some help :)
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Post by Fabian »


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Post by knightfly »

If the concrete wall continues (and is common to) the other studio, it will have serious flanking noise - likewise with the floor. The way to fix this for walls is to build out separate frames and cover with double gypsum wallboard, totally hermetically sealed and with the frames NOT touching the concrete walls -

Then, at least ONE of the floors (either the studio you've shown or the one next door) must have the floor floated, or again FLANKING will get you.

Light frame walls - make 'em heavier, preferably with separate frames (still only two leaves though), or at least Resilient channel or staggered stud frames - two layers each side, or 2 one side three the other, depending partly on how much isolation you need, which is of course depending on things like live drums, bass, or just flute practice...

Inner ceiling leaves ALSO need to be decoupled from structure and each other; the idea here is a completely decoupled inner leaf all 'round the room. Anywhere your sound can directly attack a surface, that surface needs to be decoupled from the main structure or sound will escape.

So, how much isolation do you need? And, how expensive is concrete to have poured in your area? Inquiring minds want to know... :wink: Steve
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