PMC LB-1's Soffit?

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PMC LB-1's Soffit?

Post by bassman »

OK, I have heard nothing but great things about PMC and a friend in town has a set but I always thought they would be out of $ range for me so I never bothered to hear them.

It seems they may not be so expensive in the used market these days so I borrowed his and well, they're clear as all hell! They don't get terribly loud but you don't need it with that level of clarity. So here's the question:

How would they work soffit mounted? They are front ported using their transmission line design for loading the woofer with air mass. The low end out of these things is bloody amazing for their size. Would the soffit be too much?

BTW, my normal set of monitors are Mackie 824's which I have loved for many years now but always seem to have the same issues while mixing. In my room, ETF always gives me a big resonance around 52Hz and I'm wondering if that might be partly the fault of the rear radiator on the Mackies resonating a bit. Maybe I just need a change..... :roll:

Confused, but not senile yet
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Post by AVare »

Not meant as negative response, but why don;t you email Bryston (the NA disrtibutors) and them their opinion? Bryston has extensive expereience witht he speaker line and has done major acoustic testing in addition to what PMC has doen

Good luck!
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Post by bassman »

Done. Bryston has been emailed...

Does anyone here use PMC's? What's the response? I just did a few mixes with these things and am blown away. Dialing in the low end was effortless. Putting the right amount of top on was just as easy. All balances just fell into place. Translation to other speakers was great.

I always have the same mix issues with my Mackie's, low end not translating, highs are harsh and then translate dull on other systems. I though its me or my room, hence my lurking around here trying to improve the acoustics. Well, holy crap batman, what a difference some new speaks can make.

OK, I've vented. eBay to the rescue, my pair is enroute...

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soffit pmc's

Post by redeye »

Did you ever soffit the LB 1s, if so , how did it go bassman.

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