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new studio

Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2005 12:55 am
by applestore studio
I am in the process of a planning application with our local authority concerning our proposed new studio . The 3,000 sg ft building was a former apple store. The walls are 13" solid brick, lined internally with 3" of cork, then rendered (it was a former cold store hence the cork lining). We then intend to float an internal studio within these walls, but am looking for guidance as to firstly there construction/thickness as well as providing the local authority with an acoustic figure in relation to travel through this combined thickness.The only wall that would require maximum insulation is on one side which is 80ft long, the rest would be internal walls that I assume would not require quite so much acoustic treatment. I have studied with interest the details on the SAE section of your web site concerning suitable constructions, the only criterea that the local authority want in my case, is to ensure that the 80ft wall would not allow sound to escape to neighbouring residential properties. The closet of which is 80 yds away . can you HELP?

Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2005 5:38 am
by AVare
Please reply in the studio design forum.

Jou can get prety good ideas of performance from the NRC IR-586 report and BRN-232 (I think). Teh numbers will satisfy the authorities.

Just remeber no wall blocks sound, it only reduses it. You can always go so loud that it will be noticiable.
