Opinion on This Design?

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Opinion on This Design?

Post by ktb1025 »


I was wondering if anyone would care to give me their opinion on a studio/rehearsal space design I'm kicking around. Actually, it's for a warehouse space I'm leasing.

The theory here is to provide 4 seperate rehearsal rooms and one control room. In the common "open" area there will be a stage for live shows, and videotaping of musical acts.

At any given time, there could be someone in any of the rooms rehearsing, or on stage playing. What I need is adequate isolation with respect to every room, including the control room. I also need to treat the entire common area because of the live music being played. Compound this by a nuisance clause in my agreement regarding excessive noise. Although the landlord is very supportive, it's in my best interest to prevent problems before they arise. Specifically excessive sound being heard by my neighbors would be a problem for me.

I originally was going to leave a 1 foot space between the free standing rooms and the perimeter walls, but I think that's too much of a loss in sq footage. What would be an adequate distance if not 1 foot?

So far, this is what I've got... Should I maintain that 1 foot easement (as displayed on the right side) throughout? I've got neighbors on all sides, but the left side is a poured concrete wall.

I'd appreciate any and all thoughts as to how to approach this BEFORE I begin! BTW, It's a 3400 sq ft warehouse with 20 ft ceilings of corrugated aluminum and steel joists/rafters. And the offset corners are the entries to the rooms with (g-d forbid) sliding doors.

Kevin Burns