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It's Alive!!!! THANKS TO YOU ALL

Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2004 5:50 am
by Eggman
Hi Guys,

I started building a two room basement studio last Feb, closely following methods described on this forum . For the live room I incorporated a floating two layer floor, double stud walls (one metal, one wood) with 3 outer layers of sheetrock, two inner, rock wool, RC on ceiling ( after beefing up the underside of the subfloor with 2x 5/8 gyp) Doors and windows as per the diagrams, etc. I used five cases of the big tubes of caulk on the live room (18 x 11). I put primer on the walls last night.

I am here to say these methods work!!!!! I midi'd up some honking bass and drum tracks on my keyboard and played them at close to 95 db then went outside. Couldn't hear a thing. Above in my living room I could here a faint thump. The ambient noise of my house was louder. If I didn't know what was going on I wouldn't have even noticed.

I want to say how much I appreciate the help and time you all put into this forum. I still have the control room to build and then do the acoustic treatment, so I'll be hanging out here for a while longer. Just wanted to say thanks and these methods work.

Actually, I do have a question. I am going to rebuild my front porch. I have an old craftsman style house with a hugh front porch. I was reading( I think in Mix) about the famous Capitol Records echo chamber and I realized that the dimensions were very close to the unused space under my porch.
My wife gave me the go ahead to build a reverb/echo room if I thought it could be done. I couldn't find the article again. Does anyone have any specific info on echo chambers or know where I could go to find some?

Thanks again.....Doug

Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2004 6:13 am
by Aaronw
I know Robert Lang Studios has a nice echo chamber up there in Seattle. You might go see him and pick his brain on what he did.

I must say, I miss the Seattle studio scene. I left when everyone started closing their doors in the late 90's.