Speaker box

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Speaker box

Post by newboy_bie »

Dear Steve,

I have flushed mount my speaker and packed the speaker box by lining insulation around it..... it gonna cause any lose in quality or its ok (Just concern for the isulation around the box)?
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Post by knightfly »

I moved this here so you can get the straight stuff from Thomas -

It's my understanding that the main things in soffit mounting (other than whether the speaker SHOULD be soffited) are tight fit without vibration, and getting the speaker baffle even with the soffit front. Any gaps around the speaker would cause problems with diffraction in higher frequencies.

Now I'll shut up and let Thomas correct me, and we can BOTH learn...Steve
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Post by barefoot »

Thanks for the plug Steve.;)

Packing insulation around the speaker box won't effect the sound. However, as with any soffit mount application, you need to make sure you don't obstruct any cabinet ports (rear ports are not recommended for soffit mounting), or in the case of active monitors, obstruct the air flow that cools the amplifiers. These factors are very important to life and proper functioning of your monitors. Otherwise, insulate all you want. :)

Thomas Barefoot
Barefoot Sound
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