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oooooh listen to this

Posted: Fri Oct 08, 2004 5:08 am
by Guest
this is my band. can i have your guy views on the material. not nessarlily the drumming. im sloppy in places. it was recored with a MXL992 (condensor mic) in a corner of my room. not intended as a demo. just a quick thing i set up. only guitar and drums. what do you think of the songs? we're kinda jammin/inprovising as we go along. but we had a rough idea of the way the track was ordererd. thanks guys.

check it out.

Posted: Sun Oct 10, 2004 7:17 pm
by knightfly
Pretty much sounded like a jam, not a song - all three had me bored within a minute. I do think you could expand on the material, add vocals, a bridge, chorus, etc - I have things at this stage on disk, etc; I call 'em "song sperm" - waiting for an "egg" to get together with :?

I think you have potential, but you need to listen to commercial releases more - if a song does the same riff over and over and doesn't go anywhere, it won't last. In songwriting, there's a term for the chorus; it's called the "hook" - that means that it "hooks" you and makes you want to listen to more.

I'd recommend a good book on songwriting to nurture the talent I hear trying to get out... Steve