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Ventilation Fan Recommendations

Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2022 3:25 am
by christophercarr86
Hey everyone, I am currently building a studio in my basement at the moment. And wanted to consult with the industry experts here before I made any final decisions on my ventilation system.

The space is approx 150 sq/ft on the tracking side as well as another 150 sq/ft in the control room. The studio will be used 90% for mixing and will have much more action in the control room than live room.

The studio has been tied into the hot/cold vent and return air vent for the house HVAC system.
However, I am stumped on the best way to tackle the ventilation. My plan was to have 1 fresh air vent fan and 1 exhaust vent fan from the control room.
I planned on these vent fans being connected to the mechanical room of the house which is on the backside of the party wall of the control room. There is no access to outside walls from the studio (only other option would be the garage on one of the other studio walls)

So a few questions I have are :
1. Pros and Cons of connecting the ventilation system to the mechanical room or garage. (Would prefer mechanical room unless garage would be WAY better for some reason or another).
2. I am trying to find a reputable brand/make/model of fans for the ventilation system. I am worried about buying something from Amazon and real life performance being poor.
3. Thoughts on adding a second fresh air vent, so there is one from the mechanical room and garage ?
4. No vents to the live room because it is going to be used rarely and at short intervals when it is. Or putting just a exhaust fan from the live room ?

Anyways, hoping you guys had thoughts, suggestions and recommendations for the ventilation portion of my system.

(I also attached a picture of the studio for reference, the room on the top is the control room)

Thanks alot everyone!

Re: Ventilation Fan Recommendations

Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2022 6:47 am
by gullfo
possibly not legal to vent to/from the garage... definitely would add the fresh air bits to the live room. much easier to fix now than later... Mitsubishi, FanTech, Broan, make decent equipment (in that order for me).

Re: Ventilation Fan Recommendations

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2022 6:21 am
by christophercarr86
Yes you are right. The garage is a no no, but mine isn't a typical garage anyways, its a woodshop, so no worries about vehicle exhaust fumes and what not. But circulation to the mechanical room is probably better to keep the air moving.

Curious, do you know of any reversible fans ? Or like 2 way fans that can switch if they are pulling or pushing air ?