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New Studios - needs of your advice

Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2021 11:16 am
Hello, and thank you for this amazing forum!
Forgive me if my English is not perfect, it is not my language I will do my best.

Here is the project:

The space where we will build our studios is on the second floor.No neighbors above us, no neighbors below us and no neighbors on 3 other sides. Just on one side we have neighbors (a company) in another building.

We need to build a main studio (which will have subwoofer and in-wall speakers) + a secondary one with each a vocal booth.

For the walls, as you can see on the graphic, they will be built like this:
- the walls in rafters of 75mm x 63mm / with between the rafters of glass wool 75mm
- between the walls: 10cm separation, filled with glass wool
- on the outside: 3 x drywall BA13 for studio A, 2 x drywall BA13 for studio B and the vocal booths. The drywall plates will be joined with acrylic mastic.
(280cm high walls)

For the ceiling:
Same operation = 2(or 3) layers of BA13 drywall + 75x63 rafters with glass wool between the rafters + glass wool above the rafters
there will be a 40cm gap before the ceiling /the exterior walls will go up to the existing ceiling
st denis a+B ok.png
Capture d’écran 2021-03-25 à 01.29.11.jpg
I have two questions:
-> Is my insulation correct?
-> For the floor, I have trouble finding the right solution. What method could you advise me to insulate it?

Thank you very much !!!!

Re: New Studios - needs of your advice

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2021 12:40 am
by gullfo
in general the plan seems ok.

what are you doing for the ceiling in the rooms? presumably you're building a ceiling on top of the inner framing of walls and each are separated from each other.

what are you doing about air? even vocalists (most anyways :twisted: ) need oxygen, so plan your fresh air management early and often.

commercial space? consider handicap accessibility. also fire safety. in a highly isolated space no one can hear you scream.

not much you can do about the floor - your inner surfaces will transfer sound into the structure even if you decouple the floor. so unless your structural engineer says you could float a properly designed floating floor(s), you'll be limited in the amount of isolation you can achieve.

potentially you could float the vocal booths since they're fairly small (again based on your structural engineer assessment) but the smaller studio would still hear most everything going on in studio A.

Re: New Studios - needs of your advice

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2021 8:11 am
Thank you very much for your answer!
gullfo wrote:what are you doing for the ceiling in the rooms?
Yes I am building a ceiling that will sit on my walls.
I have enough height under the original ceiling. It will be built in rafters (like my walls). Between the rafters: glass wool. Inside the room : the same sheet as the walls.
Between my rafters and my original ceiling : glass wool.

-> Do you think I should also close the different rooms above my rafters?
gullfo wrote:what are you doing about air?
A specialist will install the air and air conditioning systems in each room. This same person will also do all the electrical installation.
gullfo wrote:commercial space? consider handicap accessibility. also fire safety. in a highly isolated space no one can hear you scream.
Of course, thank you for this advice
ROMIII wrote:not much you can do about the floor - your inner surfaces will transfer sound into the structure even if you decouple the floor. so unless your structural engineer says you could float a properly designed floating floor(s), you'll be limited in the amount of isolation you can achieve.

potentially you could float the vocal booths since they're fairly small (again based on your structural engineer assessment) but the smaller studio would still hear most everything going on in studio A.
This is a big problem... The goal is that you can't hear what's going on between each piece... They all have to be soundproofed :/
How could I manage this ?

Any advice is welcome to help me soundproof each room between them

Thanks a lot

Re: New Studios - needs of your advice

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2021 8:15 am
We will change the plan by breaking a corner of the studio b :
st denis A+B 2.jpg

Re: New Studios - needs of your advice

Posted: Sat Mar 27, 2021 1:04 am
by gullfo
the main problem is the floor, once all else is quiet the floor will be obvious in terms of hearing across the rooms. to truly isolate you would need to float the rooms and for that you need a structural engineer to assess if such a thing can be built in your apartment. of course, you should also test thoroughly to see how much conduction the floor has - both spanning the room, and into neighboring spaces. maybe you're lucky and the floor is somehow damped and could work.