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wall plates etc.

Posted: Tue Sep 07, 2004 4:30 am
by floatius
im in the process of framing my studio , should you take care of all the electrical aspects including wall plates first them add sheet rock or put the sheetrock on first and then worry about it. please help.

Posted: Tue Sep 07, 2004 9:01 am
by Aaronw
Are you running conduits for your cables?

If you're running conduits, you only need the penetration through the wall where the conduit is. The plates can/will be added after you hang your drywall. Typically the plates should be one of the last things you do after your main construction. This way they don't get banged up or a whole lot of dust and dirt getting into your connectors.

Posted: Wed Sep 08, 2004 10:55 pm
by bigdaddyd
if you need temporary power outlets and some temporary construction lighting, install the needed switches and outlets with replacing them later in mind.

NOTE*** All devices have "sheetrock tabs" on them that are made to sit on the surface for support, cut them off when using for temporary power and lighting. They are usually the little round or long rectangular portion of the device just above the screw. this is precrimped to enable removal.

9 times out of 10 when a homeowner adds switches and outlets before sheetrock, they leave these on and what happens is either the hired sheetrocker or themselves will router in the electrical boxes and router around the sheetrock tabs while the device is mounted in the box. This will work but removes the sheetrock behind the support tabs and can cause a little trouble down the road.

When you plug in a chord to an outlet, the plug is supported by the rock behind it, if there is no support, the plate takes the full force of the insertion. on a new plug that is stiff, you WILL crack your plate.

Any job ive done where I was paid to trim out the lights and switches before sheetrock and paint, there was always a mess on the devices. and usually all the support for the device is gone. They make plastic spacers to correct this, and small plastic hose can work also, but what a pain!

Add your plates and devices after paint.
