Convert to 12v for vocal booth

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Convert to 12v for vocal booth

Post by OpIvy »

I'm reasonable sized vocal booth and now looking at the wiring.
I am keen to go low voltage (12V DC) because all I will need is a dim light and fan to pull air in and I'd like the wiring hidden (the fan will built within a separate baffle box outside the booth).
Is it a simple case of...

Buy a 240v > 12v transformer and get a sparky to hard wire to mains.
Wire from transformer (outside booth) to wall mounted switch inside which can control fan and light
- with this, I'm just wondering if that means the transformer is always on and if that's an issue

Or should I just get power points installed outside the booth, plug in fan/ lights then poke the cables through the walls?
Obviously electrics are not my forte...