Placing the speakers against the wall on stands and having the desk so my listening position would be at 38% of the room length seemed like my monitors would be too far away from both my listening position and each other. Going by the standard '60 degrees' 'equilateral triangle' guidelines, you'd think that your stereo image would be too stretched out with your monitors that far apart. I didn't want to come too much closer to the wall with the desk however as that puts the listening position at around 25% of the room length away (also bad). You can see how I was getting frustrate
Yup! It sure can be confusing, with all that hype, myth, ignorance and misinformation out there on the internet.
Just so you feel a bit more comfortable, let me go into a bit more detail.
First, the famous "38% rule" is not a rule at all. Wes is sorry he ever even put that out in public, as so many have misunderstood it completely, and don't even understand what he was saying anyway! Simply put: all rooms have "modes", which are the frequencies where standing waves form, due to the dimensions of the room. You can't get rid of them, and even if you could, doing so would be a BAD idea. The problem is that there are not enough of them in the low end. Plenty in the mid range, and abundantly plenty in the high end, but few and far between in the low end. Wes did some math, noting where room modes always form in rooms as percentage of the length, and came to the conclusion that the location in the room where modes are theoretically at the least noticeable, is 38%. That's all. The modes are still there! They don't go away at 38%. They are still very active all over the room, just a little less so at 38%. The problem is, some people don't get it at all, and go nuts trying to get things to work out so their ear holes will be exactly 38.00000% of the room depth, accurate to the nearest nanometer... without realizing that if they happen to lean forward just a bit in their chair, they will already be waaaayyyy of from 38%. Lean forward 6 inches in a room 10 feet long, and you went from 38% to 33%!
Lean back 6 inches, and you went from 38% to 43%! Oh no! It's the end of the world! (not.) So unless those misguided folks have their heads clamped in a steel vice, they will NEVER be at 38% of the room depth. And would never even notice, in any case! When was the last time you were mixing, leaned forward a bit in your chair, and said "Damn! I can hear that darned 91.38 Hz modal peak here! I better lean back a quarter inch again"....
So no, you don't need to be at 38%. 33 to 42 is fine, and even outside of that a bit can still be acceptable. In fact, most engineers feel that the room sounds better when they are a bit in front of that supposedly perfect 38% location closer to 34% seems to be preferred... So 38% is a good starting point, but that's all. There are many reasons why it might be a good idea to be several % points away from there, as long as you avoid being close to 25% or 50%. Those really are bad spots.
Second, the famous "60° equilateral triangle" is also not written in stone. Yes, you see it in nearly every speaker manual ever published, but it's only there because it's a good starting point, and it works in the majority of rooms. That doesn't mean that it is the BEST layout: just that it works. They have to put
something in the manuals, so it's a safe bet to put that, as it nearly always gives acceptable results. Not necessarily great, but at least reasonable. However, there is no psycho-acoustic reason why the speakers should be 30° off from your ears to the left and right! In fact, human hearing is most sensitive about 70° azimuth at high frequencies, and about 45° off for mids (lows are not so directional). Overall, best sensitivity is around 50°-55°. (which is why a crossed stereo pair mic setup sounds pretty darn convincing in the mix, as each mic is pointed 45° off axis, very similar to our ears... and if you set them at 110°, instead of 90°, then it gets even better...
Here's the actual pattern of hearing sensitivity for the average human ear (right ear in this case):
That's called the "Head Related Transfer Function" or HRTF, if you are interested.
Of course, that's for each individual ear: when your brain combines the "images" from both ears, you get a roughly omni-directional result.
So, there's no biological reason to have the speakers 30° off azimuth. That's not the peak for our ears. However, you also don't want to go to 90°, because then your head itself is masking each ear from the speaker on the other side, which creates a low-pass filter starting at about 800 Hz or so for sound coming from the other side, and also messes up other methods that your brain uses for determining direction and frequency (such as time delays and phase shifts). You
do want each ear to hear part of the signal coming from the opposite speaker. But it's also a bad thing if you have the speakers right in front of you, next to each other, where both ears hear both speakers equally, and there is no shadowing: that doesn't give your brain ENOUGH clues to work with. It turns out that any angle between about 20° azimuth and 50° azimuth is acceptable, but best is the range 25° to 45°. Interestingly, 30° is NOT in the middle of that range: 35° would be optimum, mathematically... So much for equilateral triangles...
Summary: it is fine to have your speakers anywhere in that range: 28° to 40° is really good, but you can go down to 25° or up to 45° if you need to. 29° to 38° works very well in most rooms. Don't get stuck on nailing that exact 30° angle!
Yes, there are consequences: changing the angle does, indeed, change the stereo imaging and sound stage, and having the speakers at a higher angle will, indeed, increase the width of the sound stage and exaggerate the stereo imaging. But that's actually a GOOD thing, as it improves your ability to resolve directions and positions on the sound stage! So if you are into panning things here and there in your mixes to make them more interesting, then you can do so much more precisely if your speaker angle is greater than 30° azimuth. It also extends the sweet spot in the front-to-back direction, which is good if you do a lot of leaning forward and backward as you mix, but it does "squish up" the sweet spot from side to side... however, that usually isn't a problem unless you have a very large console and need to lean (or roll your chair) a lot to the left or right as you mix. But in most small rooms with DAWs or compact consoles, that isn't an issue. You tend to sit on the center line, and lean forwards/backwards, but not side-to-side. So once again, having the speakers further apart and more angled, is a good thing.
In other words, it is perfectly fine to ignore that pretty triangle that looks so cool in your speaker's manual, and you are allowed to change the angles as necessary. I promise you, you will not be arrested by the Speaker Angle Police if you set yours at 37.5° Really!
However, you DO need to keep the speakers the same distance from your ears: so if the left speaker is 118 cm from your left ear, then the right speaker also needs to be 118cm from your right ear. That's important for symmetry of the stereo image and sound-stage. BUT!!!! They do NOT also need to be 118 cm apart! You can spread them further apart, or closer together, as needed. Once again, the world will not come to an end, and you won't be arrested for not having that speaker-to-speaker distance the same as the speaker-to-ear distance.
Now for the "speaker to front wall" thing. This one is real easy: It is called "SBIR", which stands for "Speaker Boundary Interference Response", and it is exactly what it sounds like: the sound wave that heads out from your speaker, hits a boundary, comes back, and interferes with itself, upsetting the frequency response. Here's how it works: at mid and high frequencies, your speakers are directional: they send out sound in a cone shape, aimed straight at you. But at low frequencies, they don't. As you move down the scale, that cone gets wider and wider, until at one point it is 180° wide. As you go even lower, the sound starts "wrapping around" the back of the speaker, and heading towards the wall behind the speaker, which is the front wall of the room. The frequency where the sound is spread out 180° is governed by one thing alone: the size of the speaker cabinet! That frequency is known as the "baffle step response critical frequency". It occurs at the point where the wavelength of the sound is the same as the width of the speaker. For very small speakers, that happens higher up the scale, and a lot of stuff "wraps around" to hit the front wall, while for really big speakers, the critical frequency is lower down the scale.
But regardless of what the frequency is, there is always a point where the speaker stops being directional and starts radiating in all directions, including towards the front wall of the room. So those waves hit the front wall, bounce back the way they came, and totally mess up the entire universe! Ok, slight exaggeration: that just messes up the frequency response in the room. Because that wave is now interfering with itself: parts of it are cancelling itself out, where it is 180° out of phase with itself, and parts of it are reinforcing itself, where it is exactly in phase with itself. So you if you play a sine sweep on your speaker, there will be some frequencies that are amplified by 6 dB (where the wave is in phase with itself) and some frequencies where there is a huge dip in intensity, theoretically infinite dB (total cancellation), but in real life more like about 30 dB. That is MASSIVE! The lowest dip in the frequency response will be at the frequency that exactly corresponds to the quarter-wave distance from the front wall, and it will be a HUGE dip. Why 1/4 wave? Because the sound went "there and back" and arrived 180° out of phase! So the total distance it traveled is one half wave, which is a quarter wavelength to hit the front wall, then a quarter wavelength to get back again.
But that's not all! That first SBIR dip is just one of MANY such dips: there will be a very large number of other dips in the frequency response, all related to that same distance, starting at twice the frequency of the first dip, three times, four times, five times, six times ... bah blah ... ten times, ... blah blah ... 50 times, etc.. all the way up to 20 kHz (and beyond). In other words, if you look at a graph of the frequency response, it will resemble a comb where each "tooth" on the comb is one of the SBIR dip frequencies, and for this reason, this issue is referred to as "comb filtering". So SBIR doesn't just affect that one single low frequency. It affects the entire spectrum, and comb filters the entire response of your speakers. Here's what a comb filter frequency response loos like:
If you don't do something about it, that's what your real frequency response will look like. Not the nice smooth, flat graph that you saw in the manual for your speaker, that convinced you to buy it!
Ok, that's the problem in theory: now for real-world implications: You can diminish the SBIR dip by using suitable absorption on the front wall, directly behind the speaker. The only problem is that the absorption has to be quite large with respect to the wavelength: at least 7% of the wavelength, and ideally more. So for low frequencies you need very, very thick insulation. The wavelength at 50Hz, for example, is about 22 feet, so the insulation would need to be nearly
2 feet thick to be effective
. On the other hand, if you could arrange things so that the dip occurs at, say, 280 Hz, the wavelength is only 4 feet, and 7% of that is about three and a half inches, ... which just happens to fit a 4" thick panel of OC-703 insulation very well!
And as luck would have it, the absorption coefficient of a 4" panel of OC-703 against the wall, at 280 Hz, is 1.24! Pretty amazing...
In other words, you need to get your speaker close enough to the front wall that a reasonable thickness of insulation is able to deal with the SBIR, and attenuate it. Or you need to get it far enough away from the wall, that the first SBIR dip is below the bottom of the audible spectrum. Wouldn't it be nice if somebody would do the math for us, and just publish a chart, to make it easy?
Fortunately, the great folks at Neumann (who make some amazing speakers!) did exactly that for us:
Bingo! There it is, all laid out neatly, and color-coded too! If the distance between your speaker and the wall falls in the red zone, that's really bad: major SBIR problems are all yours to keep forever, because you can't treat those with any realistic treatment, so your room is doomed. If you are in the blue zone, that's marginal. Maybe OK for a home theater or something, but not for a studio or audiophile listening room. If you are in the green zone, then you are fine. However, note that to be in the green zone, your speaker either has to be
more than 3.2m away for the front wall (about 10' 5") or it has to be
closer than 20 cm (about 8"). To get your speaker 3.2 m away from the front wall, and have your listening position decently far from those speakers (about 2m), and have your head about 38% from the front wall, and have an equilateral triangle, you need a very, very big room! About 14m long would be good...
The only other realistic option, is put them against the front wall.
So, that's the full story: if you want to minimize the huge, ugly room-killing SBIR monster, then put your speakers against the front wall with only a 10cm (4") gap, and put a 4" thick panel of OC-703 in that gap. (Even better is to flush-mount them, in "soffits", since that totally eliminates front wall SBIR, but that's a different story....)
Now, since your speakers MUST go against the front wall, and they must NOT be right in front of you, and must NOT be in the room corners, and they must NOT be at 25% of the room width... that doesn't leave a lot of options! They need to be some place around 29% of room width in most cases, give or take a few points. And since you also need large bass traps in the corners, your options are even more limited...
And since your head needs to be around 33% to 42% of room depth, and the speakers need to be angled about 25° to 45°, ... well, add up all of those limitations, and you can see why the only real options you have in a small room like yours, are the ones I gave you!
So there's the solid, sound, scientific acoustic reasoning why I said what I did. It is all based on well documented research papers published by recognized researchers and institutions, as well as information provided by speaker manufacturers, and well-known equations, and common sense.
( Aren't you glad you found this forum, and got a few hundred dollars worth of free consulting?
Of course, not all of the above effects are equal! Some are more important than others. The most important of all is SBIR, right up there with bass trapping, and the least important is the 38% "rule". The others fall somewhere in between. So if you do have to compromise on these when laying out your room, then compromise on the least important ones, in favor of the more important.
There's one more thing I told you yesterday that I haven't explained: I said to aim the speakers at a spot BEHIND your head, not AT your head. The reason here is also simple: If you look at all of those famous equilateral triangle diagrams, they have a circle to represent your head, and the acoustic axes from the two speakers intersect in the middle of that circle. At first glance, that seems fine and logical. Now look again: where does the axis from each speaker arrive at your head? Yup. In the middle of your
EYE, roughly... so if you get your ears surgically transplanted onto your eyeballs, then that would be fine: your ears would be on-axis to your speakers. But for the rest of us, whose ears are stuck out on the sides of our heads, our ears are OFF AXIS with that setup! You need to rotate the speakers a bit to get the axes pointing at your ears. And in reality, it turns out that your ears perform best psycho-acoustically if the axes just grazes by the edge of your pinna (that fleshy thing that sticks out on the side of your head). And to get that right, you need to aim both speakers so that the axes intersect at a spot that can be anywhere between about 12" or so and about 24" or so behind you head, depending on all the other factors mentioned above, but mostly room size and shape.
Sorry about the long rant, but I find it often helps when you understand WHY you are doing certain things, rather than just obeying blindly.
1 - This is the product I was planning on using for building the traps and broadband absorbers (either the HD or XHD 75 but it seems like the XHD has negligable benefits for a significant price bump) ... 60C5C0CABB
You would need either the HD100 or the XHD 100 to get close to the performance of OC-703. Both of those have GFR that is similar to 703, and either would work fine.
- While getting rid of the carpet isn't an option for me, would it serve the same purpose to get some more reflective floor material and cover that half of the room? That I could realistically do.
Certainly! That will help a lot. For example, put down some 3/4" plywood, OSB or MDF ove the front half of the room. That will do the trick rather nicely. And if you can extend it a bit further back then half way, that's even better. If you wanted to make it look neater, then lay laminate flooring on it. That's also great, acoustically.
3 - I'll do some more experimenting between 33% and 42%. As I said above, it did seem like the monitors would be too far apart, but i'm probably wrong.
Having the monitors well separated is a
good thing, not a bad thing! They have to be REALLY far apart to be bad. ITU BS.1116-3 recommends the best distance for speaker separation as being 2 to 3 m, and up to 4m is acceptable under some conditions. It also recommends that the distance from each speaker to the listening positions can be as much as 1.7 times the distance between them, and even up to 2 times that distance in special cases. Closest distance is half the speaker separation. So for example if your speakers are exactly 2m apart, the distance from each speaker to the corresponding ear could be anywhere between 1m and 4m. That blows the equilateral triangle thing completely out of the water! That's all in chapter 8 of the document, if you are interested. It also recommends that the sweet spot does not need to be wider than a a radius of about 0.7m around the nominal mix position. There's no point in trying to listen outside that circle, no matter how the speakers are arranged, or how good the room is.
4 - Should there be an air gap behind the absorber panel?
Not really. There can be a very small air gap, but don't forget that as you move the panel further away from the wall, that also means your speaker has to move further away, which moves the SBIR dip further down the scale to a more problematic frequency that needs exponentially more absorption.... Catch 22! So a gap of 1" would be fine, but a gap of 5" would push you outside the green area...
back wall > 10cm air gap > broadband absorber > desk > listening position (33-42% of room length from back wall)?
Nope. Too much air gap. Keep it to about 2 or 3cm. So it wold be:
FRONT wall > 3cm air gap > 10cm broadband absorber > speaker > desk > listening position (33-42% of room length from FRONT wall)
Note that the listening position is measured form the FRONT wall, not the BACK wall. The front wall is the one in front of you... The one you are looking at as you mix. Where the speakers are. The back wall is behind your head, far away, and you can't see it unless you turn around.
It's a relief to have such a no-nonsense knowledge base at my disposal I must say!
We think so too!
I'll be reading your resources on measurement and i'll let you know how I get on. Hopefully I can get the absolute best out of the space
I'm sure you can. Think of it this way: if you can find a dozen things to do that each improve the performance by just 1 dB (not even audible), then you improved it in total by more than ten dB! (VERY audible)
- Stuart -