Strange situation!
Talking with the people from the theater, they told me that another guy came in, did the balloon popping test and told them their reverb time is around 3 seconds...
That agrees quite well with the data you provided.
I'm not an expert, and this wasn't conducted with the most appropriate gear (AKG 414 ULS, Tascam DR-60D and a balloon) but I think simply using a phone would have told me whether the room was actually closer to the estimated 8" or to the 3" of the last guy.
Again, I'm no expert, but unless I'm screwing something up, the RT60 of the room is DEFINITELY closer to 3 seconds.
I'm attaching 2 files (in mp3... cause the forum won't allow wav or flac)
Please don't take this as being valid, since this was obtained by converting an MP3 (which lacks a huge amount of info) to WAV, then pretending that it is really an impulse response file, and importing it into REW like that. Assuming that this is a reasonably good resemblance of the actual IR for the point you had the mic, this is what the REAL RT-60 graph looks like:
And here is what the actual impulse response look like:
As you can see, the real RT60 is about 3 seconds, but there is a longer "tail" around 80 Hz, going out to nearly 6 seconds, with around 4 seconds across the entire low end, as well as a peak in the mid range at 1k. So at a guess, I'd say that room sounds rather "boomy", but not entirely "dull". The high end is not a problem, though. But your estimate is right, as is the estimate of the guy who went there with his balloon. Round about 3 seconds. Getting that down to 1.5 or so across the board would be fine. 1.7 for music maybe, and 1 for speech, as long as most of it is in the early reflections, not the reverberant field (this is very different from what we try to achieve in a control room! Don't get confused: two very different scenarios).
To be more precise, REW judges the decay times at the location where you had the mic, as follows: Topt = 3.025 seconds, T20=3.025 seconds. T30=3.148 seconds. I'd go with T30, and put it at about 3.1 to 3.2 seconds.
Walking in I was expecting a place where it would have been impossible to talk, whereas it is actually much more decent than that. Granted, standing 10 meters from another person made talking hard, but I would guess 8 seconds would make it hard standing 1 meter apart.
Right, but it's not very good: I don't have any means for getting an STI or RASTI index from the data you sent, but I can get C50 and C80:
Red is C50, green is C80. Both show the relationship between early reflections and overall energy. C50 is for the first 50ms, and C80 is for 80ms. C50 tells you about speech clarity, C80 is about music clarity. In both cases you want to see those curves ABOVE the 0 dB line, indicating that there is more energy in the early-arriving reflections, and thus better clarity (the early stuff is not overwhelmed by the overall reverberant field). In your case, C50 is pretty bad: -5 to -10 dB, and C80 isn't much better: -5 to -1. This room is no use at all for either music recitals, rehearsal, or speech. It DOES need treatment, for sure, but it definitely isn't as bad as it sounded like from the initial analysis by the "acoustic" company!
What do you think?
I wonder how their math could have been THAT wrong (unless mine is).
The room already has some "treatment" probably, in the sense that the structure itself and the materials are absorbing partially, and the shape of the room, plus the features on the walls could be adding some diffusion (pillars, paneling, columns, balcony, stage, doors, windows, etc). Any drapes, chairs, carpets, or suchlike in there? I suspect there might be... But even so, that still doesn't explain such a huge difference.... And I can't figure out how to get an RT60 of 9 seconds for that size room anyway.... My guess is they screwed up somewhere.
at the center of a half DOME SHAPED ceiling,
That's gonna be "fun" to treat! Focusing effects there for sure....
Another thing that makes me call bullshit on this acoustic firm is that they said that a balloon popping test wasn't reliable enough as it doesn't have enough SPL in the speech frequencies (?!?!?!).
Then they don't even understand what an "impulse response is"!!! Wow. It's OK to say that a balloon pop doesn't have enough sound POWER for true RT60 measurements, or even that it doesn't have enough SPL for true RT60 measurements, but saying that it doesn't have enough in a certain frequency is garbage! The concept of a true acoustics impulse is that it is a single "IMPULSE"! It has NO frequency at all. It's just one single peak value with an infinitely short rise time and infinitely short decay time. Theoretically, of course. In practice, it's impossible to generate such a sound. But if you could, and you were to look at it on a digital time-line, all of the values at all times would be zero, except for one single spike where the value is full-scale. That's an impulse. You can't measure the "frequency" of that, because it has none. It does not repeat, therefore it has no period, therefore it has no wavelength, therefore it has no frequency. It's just a pulse. A balloon pop is pretty close to fitting that, although it isn't perfect by any means. You measure the RESPONSE of the room to that impulse, and the response DOES change over time, so there are then frequencies and wavelengths and times that you can measure. I guess you could consider that from this point of view the impulse does "contain" frequencies, but in pure mathematics it does not. The Dirac function is an infinitely short, infinitely loud pulse. Of course, the best approximations are neither infinitely loud nor infinitely short: there is a limit on both, and even if there was a such a signal, it would be impossible to play it on a loud speaker, because a loud speaker takes time for the cone to move. But theoretically, there are no actual "frequencies" present "in" an impulse. What matters is how the room RESPONDS to that impulse
So the mere fact of them saying "a balloon popping ... doesn't have enough SPL in the speech frequencies" is pure ignorance. It's like saying you can't measure the speed of a car by counting how fast the wheels turn, because the wheels aren't yellow enough... !
So, it's true that there isn't enough sound power in a balloon pop to fully create a true impulse, but from that point of view, there is also not enough sound power in a 100,000 watt speaker stack at a major rock concert ,to fully create a true impulse. Because it is impossible to create one! Neither one has enough brute power, and neither one can generate a true acoustic impulse.... And you don't need to anyway. You can simulate an impulse in any of several ways (one of which is a balloon pop), and if there isn't enough sound power to get a true 60 dB decay, then it is also valid to measure the 30 dB decay time, and double it... That's what the "T30" measurement in REW does: it extrapolates what the RT60 decay would be, by just measuring the RT30 decay. Ditto for the "T20" graph. It's not perfectly accurate, to be sure, but it's pretty darn close in most cases.
That said, it's far better to just use REW to measure the Impulse Response, because REW doesn't actually create an impulse to do that, because it is impossible! What REW does is to generate every possible frequency in turn, measure the decay over time, then use clever mathematics to track that backwards in time and create an "impulse" out of that. It simulates the impulse by going backwards from the result, and thus gets a MUCH better, much cleaner picture of the true impulse response, that is not hampered by the limitations of needing to actually generate a true impulse.
That's why the graphs above from REW are not really valid, because they are based on a real-world, low-quality impulse that was actually generated, rather than the much more accurate method that REW uses (sign sweep with FFT integration). But even considering that, it's still probably not far off from reality.
I wasn't the one talking to them, but I would have argued that RT60 is a relative measurement: you check the balloon SPL at 125Hz and then check again 60dB later...
Exactly! That's the theory. And as you correctly noted, there are no frequencies involved. Just brute sound power.
as long as it is above noise floor,
Correct! As it turns out, though, there isn't enough energy in each individual frequency band OF THE ROOM RESPONSE spread out over time, to be able to get accurate results down to -60 dB (which is why REW's method is much better), but there should be enough for T30 and T20.
I don't see why the balloon having little low frequency energy would make any difference (and... about speech intelligibility...?!)
Exactly. You clearly understand this much better than they do...