Head Swivel Null Removal

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Head Swivel Null Removal

Post by Builderboy »

Hello friends,

I have a problem & I'm hoping it's indicative of something simple that I have missed (please let it be).

Seated in my mix position I have a reduction in volume at 85hz (using the sine wave generator in REW) however when I move my head from side to side the null disappears.

When I say 'move my head from side to side' I mean that if I look at the right-hand side wall the volume increases and this repeats when I look to the left. If I look straight ahead the volume drops.

I just wanted to see if this a symptom of something obvious that can be diagnosed with the symptom I have mentioned.

Please be gentle with me folks,

Thank you to all the wonderful people on this forum who've been inadvertently teaching me awesome stuff for the last 7 years.
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Re: Head Swivel Null Removal

Post by Soundman2020 »

Hi there "Builderboy"! Please read the forum rules for posting (click here). You seem to be missing a couple of things! :)

It sounds to me like you are in either a modal null, or an SBIR null. Those two can both give you the symptoms you describe, but they are very different problems, with different solutions. I'd need to know a lot more about your studio to be able to determine which, and you'd need to run a whole series of tests with REW as well. There probably are solutions, but it might not be as simple as you are hoping to figure out exactly what the issue is, and how to fix it. Let's start by getting an accurate diagram of the room, with accurate dimensions, also showing the location of the speakers and mix position, the current treatment, etc. And also photos. And also the first paragraph (above!)

- Stuart -
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