Comments on my wall and ceiling plan!!

How thick should my walls be, should I float my floors (and if so, how), why is two leaf mass-air-mass design important, etc.

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Comments on my wall and ceiling plan!!

Post by JohnGardner »

Hi there,
I have just compleated my live room wall and ceiling plan for my builder attached below.

Any idea of the STC - acoustic drums and rock gtars will be recorded in this room.

Any major faults/problems?

Do you recomend I glue or srew the second layer of wall board.

Thanks again
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Location: New Orleans, USA

Post by AndrewMc »

On the existing walls - the grey 10mm plasterboard - if you can tear that out - you'll get better soundproofing for the drums. If you can salvage some of it - put it between the studs to increase the mass of the outside layer & caulk it very well.

Screw in the 2nd drywall layer
Andrew McMaster
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Post by sixtiksix »

Hey Andrew,

When you say caulk it very well... Do you mean at the edges of every wall or along the edges of each piece of sheetrock?

Thanx man,

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Post by Aaronw »

Everything. Caulk every crack, gap & hole. Corners, between sheets, bottom, top, etc.
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Post by AndrewMc »

As Aaronw states - caulk everything.

You cannot over caulk. For each layer - caulk the ceiling and floor and run caulk between the joins of every sheet. You'll use a lot of caulk and a lot of latex gloves!

For the 1st layer I taped the joints also and put drywall mud over the whole sheet and especially on the joints.
Andrew McMaster
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Post by Sen »

Hi John,
Is the whetherboard outside layer sealed.
If not , then it is not acting as your mass leaf and you're better off leaving the 10mm plaster in there, provided that that's sealed (caulked) of course..
Kind regards
Posts: 32
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Location: Lautern Germany

Post by sixtiksix »

Thanx fellers,

I am already on my third case of caulk...

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