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Where the hell is John these days?

Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2014 11:29 am
by DeeringAmps
Title says it all.


Re: Where the hell is John these days?

Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2014 12:01 pm
by John Sayers
Still around Tom - I usually visit the site everyday and erase the spammers, help people having trouble logging on etc.

and you? last time you posted was in 2010 :)


Re: Where the hell is John these days?

Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2014 11:37 pm
by DeeringAmps
I must have had a case of low blood sugar that day!
I drop by about once a month and check on you.
When I'm not on the road (my day job, not music), I'm in my studio making music.
The studio I designed using the tools, knowledge and inspiration you provide here; for free!
Based loosely on your Spark 1 design, mixed with a dose of the Whitehead room as well.
When you posted Rory's "Blue Moon", I was convinced that was the way to go.
Not someone who requires a lot of hand holding; I spent my time drawing, then building.
As to the "free" part; I probably owe you for all the bandwidth I burned pouring over your 5000+ posts.
So a huge "Thank You" to you John; and all that have contributed over the years.

Tom Deering
DeeringAmps on the forums