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1/3 mix position rule

Posted: Fri Oct 18, 2013 12:39 pm
by pastorjjo
Greetings. I'm trying to find more info about the rule that says your optimal mix position should be a 1/3 in/or of your room. Is that referring to mix position or monitor position?


Re: 1/3 mix position rule

Posted: Fri Oct 18, 2013 2:58 pm
by Soundman2020
It's not really a rule, just a guideline, and the number is 38%, (just a bit more than 1/3). That's the position where your EARS should be, as measured between the front and rear walls (hard room boundary, not considering acoustic treatment). So if your room is 10 m long, then your ears should be 3.8m from the front wall, ideally.

This is related to room modes, not speakers. 38% is supposedly the point in the room where room mode peaks and nulls are at their least terrible, so in theory it's a good place to have your head.

HOWEVER! That's just a THEORETICAL best location, a starting point for playing around with positioning: you might need to move from there for many different reasons, such as speaker location and angle, doors, windows, beams, room shape, etc. And many engineers like to be a bit closer to the front wall than that anyway.

So don't go crazy trying to get your ears at exactly 38% of the room depth! Anywhere in that region is fine. Just stay away from 25% and 50%: those are the bad places.

- Stuart -

Re: 1/3 mix position rule

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2019 1:55 am
by pastorjjo
Just re-reading this and realized...I never said “Thank you”

Sorry about that. “Thank you” I’ve been getting great results!


Re: 1/3 mix position rule

Posted: Wed Apr 17, 2019 3:18 pm
by Soundman2020

- Stuart -