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Multi control room/ multi room audio wiring

Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2013 7:32 am
by alanjcamlet

In an effort to rebuild our studio after getting damaged by Hurricane Sandy, we've decided to make a few fixes/ improvements along the way.

Our studio consists of 3 live rooms of various sizes, 3 isolation booths of various sizes, and two control rooms. Prior to the storm, each control room had its own wiring to each room (each control room had its own snake system to each room), now we are trying to see if we can wire the rooms up in a way that both control rooms can use the same patch points in each room. Trying to cleanup some clutter if we can....

I've looked the forum, but didn't see (or missed) anything with multiple control rooms. Any options would be greatly appreciated!

Alan camlet,
Hoboken Recorders

Re: Multi control room/ multi room audio wiring

Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2013 8:24 am
by Soundman2020
Hi Alan, and welcome to the forum! :)

For that type of facility-wide signal routing, I would seriously consider a routing switcher. That will allow you to route each source to any destination (or any number of destinations) as needed. It gives you great flexibility without needing any physical patching at all. Not cheap, but the flexibility is amazing. It might be too expensive to use for all signals (depending on your budget), but a 32 x 32 could probably handle the typical load of a pair of live rooms plus 3 iso booths (and a 64 x 64 certainly could).

Worth considering.

- Stuart -

Re: Multi control room/ multi room audio wiring

Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2013 8:44 am
by alanjcamlet

Thx very much for your reply. Can you point me towards a company that makes these and where I'd glean some knowledge on how to wire one on these up?


Re: Multi control room/ multi room audio wiring

Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2013 11:04 am
by Soundman2020
Here's a few that should work for you:

Kramer Electronics: ... 56716085-7 ... 56716085-7

Extron: ... ubtype=134

Matrix Switch: ... switchers/

There are others too, but they are mostly meant for video post production, and are add-ons for video routing switchers (Sony, Grass Valley, Pesa, Ensemble Designs, etc.)

- Stuart -