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window sealing plan

Posted: Fri Apr 11, 2003 7:38 pm
by listener
hello all.

i am in the process of sealing off my windows to get a good insolation for studios internal noise. I have just sketched it and want to know expert opinion.

Posted: Sat Apr 12, 2003 5:39 am
by knightfly
I'm not sure I know what you want, as your drawing doesn't even SHOW a window -

Try going here

click on construction, then click on the tab for Windows and Doors - does that help? If not, try clarifying what you need... Steve


Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2003 3:29 am
by listener
:( sorry to say Steve, but i feel you are quiet sensitive for good drafting skills and good drawing also..... please dont mind but i always found you teasing people of their ignorance in this forum as well as in other also, there are some posts in which you have given a great advice and support and i have a great respect and regards for you as you have boiled urself and gained experience and learnt alot but still you must be helpful like John, you just go through the forums you gonna find great text and best layouts from john which is helping alot to the people who are in trouble ..... :cry: !

Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2003 5:39 am
by knightfly
I too am sorry you feel that way. While I do "clown around" at times, I don't intentionally make fun of people, only try to INFORM them when they seem to want help. If I sound "holier than thou" at times, is may be partly because this can be a very "dry" subject, and it's hard to sound like I'm in the room among friends and still get the information across.

When I answer a question, until there has been some dialog I very rarely know whether I am talking to a person who only needs one little thing clarified, or if they are just starting to learn and need a complete course in building.

Details can be left out because you don't know, or know it so well you take for granted that EVERYBODY knows, or you just forgot.

To further take exception to your comment, more than once people from other countries have apologized for their "bad English" - If I've made any comment at all, it's been that their English is vastly superior to my Dutch/Spanish/Portugese/Russian or ANY OTHER language. I consider myself lucky if ANY of these multi-lingual people don't look down on ME, not the other way 'round.

The point is, I STILL don't see anything in your drawing that is either DRAWN as, or LABELED as, a window. So how can I possibly comment on how it's done, when it ISN'T THERE ?

I'm here to help - all I ask is that you make it so I CAN... Steve