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Australian material for BASS traps etc

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2011 9:00 am
by petermiller
I did a search and some of the posts are quite old.

Bunnings sell a product called earthwool

Higgins are made in Brisbane and are polyester.
comes in batts and rolls
There are a number of options, starting at the bottom:
Product Thickness NRC Price/m2+GST
HSB 3 65mm 0.5 $3.24
HSB 4 75mm 0.6 $4.26
HSB 5 85mm 0.75 $5.15

PACB 32/50 50mm 0.82 $9.90
PACB 20/85 85mm 0.92 $10.12
PACB 32/100 100mm 0.98 $19.15

HSB’s come in rolls: 15m long.
PACB’s come in batts: 1160mm long x 430mm or 580mm wide.
HSB’s are more of a lightweight acoustic insulation.
PACB’s are more of a heavy duty acoustic insulation.
Both are polyester, manufactured by Higgins here in Brisbane.

There is also the Tontine range,
The higgins stuff seems well priced

and I'm not sure of anything else.
This will be for bass traps and some broadband traps.

does it have to be semi rigid?
I can see it would sit better but not sure of frequencies etc ...

polyester sounds good as It's in a very small room, the less fibreglass the better, ( i worked with the stuff for years)

Thanks- Peter

ps. what is the best kg/m ratio

Re: Australian material for BASS traps etc

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2011 11:11 am
by John Sayers
thanks for posting Peter.

Higgins actually started out in the 90s when they took advantage of the wool slump and produced wool insulation - we used their product in the refurbishment of The Music Farm.

The 48kg/m3 is the best density.

The earthwool is also from Higgins and is a fibreglass product. ... Itemid=117

Fletcher Industries also offer a rigid fibreglass SonoMatt in 32 and 48 kg/m3. ... 0/SonoMatt

Re: Australian material for BASS traps etc

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2011 2:59 pm
by petermiller
Thanks very much for the reply John,
I actually met you years ago at a studio you were building just out of mulimbimby,
I believe we know some mutual folk around nsw/qld border

I was thinking of going higgins.
but not sure if roll or batts would be best, rolls is cheaper, which is good for me at the moment
they just emailed me and said the batts are more rigid than the rolls.

I'll ask about their 48/m3 products,
Shall I go thick with the insulation? or double up the thin.

main purpose is to fix( well at least make usable) a very small room. mainly corner bass traps.
I did almost make a purchase of 'pro' bass traps, but thought I'd hang on for a few days.


Re: Australian material for BASS traps etc

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2011 3:29 pm
by John Sayers
Peter - the only difference between Pro bass traps and Home Made is the price :)

If you can, go with the 48kg/m3 - 50mm.

Re: Australian material for BASS traps etc

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2011 4:06 pm
by petermiller
Thanks, I'll suss them out :)

Re: Australian material for BASS traps etc

Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2011 9:05 am
by petermiller
I got a feeling their batts are only 32/m3... is that ok for bass trap

I wonder if I could use the blanket for building bass traps.
It's way cheaper but still waiting on them to get back to me with specs on that.


Re: Australian material for BASS traps etc

Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2011 9:08 am
by Soundman2020
I got a feeling their batts are only 32/m3... is that ok for bass trap
Are you talking about fiberglass or mineral wool? If fiberglass then 32 kg/m3 is probably fine. If mineral wool, then that's a little light, but if it is all you can get then it will work OK.

Re: Australian material for BASS traps etc

Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2011 9:53 am
by petermiller
These particular ones are polyester

Re: Australian material for BASS traps etc

Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2011 4:31 pm
by John Sayers
Peter - go with the polyester but the thicker version 4"/100mm

Re: Australian material for BASS traps etc

Posted: Sat Aug 06, 2011 12:54 pm
by petermiller
John Sayers wrote:Peter - go with the polyester but the thicker version 4"/100mm
Thanks John,
I had an Idea.
Make the bass traps out of one layer 100 mm 32/m3 higgins stuff if I can't get 48
then with the higgins blanket the 85mm stuff, make some 'small super chunks' for behind the bass traps.

Surely that would be a nice amount of affordable absorption even if it wasn't all the way from floor to ceiling.

Maybe make a few broadband panels for the walls

I can also do some bass traps for the ceiling where the walls meet..

in the mean time these folks are looking into what they have available

Thanks for the input, much appreciated

Re: Australian material for BASS traps etc

Posted: Sat Aug 06, 2011 9:21 pm
by John Sayers
just remember Peter that these products roll off from ~400Hz down plus they suck up all your highs.

Add reflective low mid absorbers as slot panels that absorb the low mids (400Hz down) and reflect not only your highs but will diffuse the low end.

Re: Australian material for BASS traps etc

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 12:23 pm
by petermiller
I've received a rather large amount of acoustic 32kg insulation from Autex
50mm semi rigid panels (2400 x 1200) this feels slightly stiffer than the batts
and semi rigid 100mm batts ( 1200 x 580)
all for $70

I'm thinking of maybe using the large 2400 x 1200 x 50mm (5 0f) for the bass traps. cut them 600 wide and the height is about 2 metres for my room ( tiny I know)
should I go 3 layers(if i have enough)?

The 100m stuff, i may have enough to make small super chunks to fit behind the framed bass traps. other wise I Could make a couple clouds.
I don't think I could super chunk the whole room.

My room is tiny 7 x 9 ft and only about 6'5" high but it's all i got. it under an old high-set house.
2 brick walls, 2 plasterboard walls. cement floor, plasterboard ceiling covering timber floor above (with joists)

on the insulation one face is sightly more rigid than the other, does it matter which way they face out?

I'm new to this sound treatment.

I found the problem when trying to record solo acoustic guitar. the bottom E and A strings would record horribly especially notes around the 7th fret. sort of like wolf tones that some guitars have. at first i thought it was my guitar until I borrowed a hand made masterpeace and it did the same

I tried to take a photo of the material but my camera just died ( typical)

Re: Australian material for BASS traps etc

Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2011 3:55 pm
by John Sayers
they all do Darren - Higgins 3" 48kq/m3 will go as low as you can get.

Re: Australian material for BASS traps etc

Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2011 4:16 pm
by petermiller
I was given a fair bit of Autex stuff for free( which was very cool), I also bought a pack off them, to say thanks... I tried to purchase more but it seems my order is so small ( 1 more pack) it doesn't get a response.

Higgins have not yet responded to my order of one pack.

I found a local supplier that has some 70mm 30kg/m3 stuff. I may buy a pack of that and double it up and cover it in plastic.
My room is almost full of bass traps. there is a very noticeable difference when recording. I'm very happy I did not go and buy some expensive foam bass traps.

All my corners are treated, some clouds at one end of the room.
just want to treat the other end with something and that will be all I can fit in.

Re: Australian material for BASS traps etc

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2011 8:19 am
by petermiller
hmmm, last night i noticed a strange bass sound that I did not notice the last couple nights... maybe an extra cloud and some plastic covered absorbers on the walls might do the trick...

as far as plastic is concerned, are large garbage bags good enough? or should I use 100um plastic, I have both here ...

I wish I could record in the lounge room, but it's just too noisey.