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Hello! A re-introduction

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2011 4:53 am
by Funktion
When I first joined this forum, I posted a topic with much grandiose dreams and wishes and got a pretty cold reality check.. And I thank you for that! That gave me a good reason to go back to the drawing board and start really looking into realities of starting a recording studio..

Anyway.. Now that I got that out of the way.

Hello all! And thanks to you all for making this wonderful forum the place it is.. I'm trying hard to absorb as much of the information there is, so excuse me if you see me asking seemingly stupid questions! :)

Re: Hello! A re-introduction

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2011 6:10 am
by Soundman2020
seemingly stupid questions!
Those are usually the BEST ones to ask! And they are welcome here, for sure!

(It's the "seemingly stupid" answers that might be the problem... :) )

Welcome back!

- Stuart -

Re: Hello! A re-introduction

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2011 6:42 am
by Funktion
Soundman2020 wrote:

(It's the "seemingly stupid" answers that might be the problem... :) )

- Stuart -
The main problem for me in understanding acoustics is that even as a engineer, I listen to what a compressor does, or how a sound changes when I boost a bit of high end.. I don't know anything at all what goes on inside the compressor or EQ. Bad analogy maybe but I'm sure you know what I mean.

So bear with me if in the future when I get my design & build going and ask everyone to use very small words and simple answers :D Buuuuut, that is still a month or a few away. Good time for me to try and learn more!