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Repair hole in Speaker spider

Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2011 1:22 pm
by lilith_envy
Hi All,
Does any have any experience repairing a small split in the spider of a speaker? 15in low driver
I'm not sure if some body poked it or it's just old.
It is not a well known speaker and will not beable to find a replacement....or I would have to replace both.

rubbery glue or resin?


Re: Repair hole in Speaker spider

Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2011 8:03 pm
by adam
The sound guy in me wants to say gaffer tape, and the studio builder in me wants to say sikaflex.

Sorry I can't offer a serious answer Lil, but I'm subscribing in case somebody can :)

Re: Repair hole in Speaker spider

Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2011 11:59 pm
by gullfo
you might try some tissue paper (like you might use for gift wrap) and some flexible (but penetrating) glue to blend it into the spider. worst case you may still have to replace the spider entirely.

or maybe start here? ... s_s/65.htm they seem to have a number of products specifically to repair speakers including foam, glue, mesh etc... and these folks offer recone kits etc. ... e_Code=SSR

Re: Repair hole in Speaker spider

Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2011 12:42 am
by alanna
Hi Gulfo,

Thanks a lot for your useful contribution. I am not much aware about fixing of speakers. May be this forum is going to help me a lot in near future. Anyway saving the tip given by you. I have lots of useful data in a personal folder and I keep saving the important points in that only. I will share few tips from my side too.


Re: Repair hole in Speaker spider

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2011 10:32 pm
by leon.payne
my dad, in his roadie days used to use some sort of clue on the slit in the cone then spray the back of the cone to stiffen it up. I heard the before and after results on an old bass speak the once, the speaker ended up sounding much better.

Re: Repair hole in Speaker spider

Posted: Mon Jan 31, 2011 10:10 am
by lilith_envy
Thanks Gulfo and leon,

I now have memories of fixing a few speakers with tissue paper when I used to work in repairs at Yamaha music.
Seems like a life time away now.
I'll give it a crack and if I wreck it i've found should be able to find a similar size and hardness.
