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Quick Ground Rod Question!

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2010 3:29 am
by LordRadio
Hey all, sorry for my first post being a question but i have searched a bunch of threads and just need this cleared up (plus I look forward to contributing!)

When running a star ground back to a sub panel (whose ground is tied to main panel ground/rod and cold water) is it necessary or redundant to run a separate isolated ground rod at the subpanel ONLY for the ground prong runs in the star ground system and keep them seperate from all other house grounds?

thanks in advance!

Re: Quick Ground Rod Question!

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2010 5:54 am
by Speedskater
My thoughts:
a] All grounds rods need to be connected to the main ground point, near the main circuit breaker panel.
b] The principle purpose of a ground rod is safety! When a lightning storm hits nearby or something bad happens with the power company's equipment, then it's the ground rod's job to protect life and property.
c] Noise voltage does NOT go down a ground rod and disappear into Mother Earth. If connecting a noisy circuit to a ground rod quiets the circuit, it's because of a defective, missing or mis-wired part in the circuit.
d] If you have a detached building on a sub-circuit then a supplemental ground rod will be required. If you don't trust your main ground rod, then add more ground rods at the main ground rod location.