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Yamaha HS80M

Posted: Sun Apr 25, 2010 9:35 pm
by iwastheshit

I'm moving in to a new studio in a week or so, and i wont be able to buy my main monitors for another 6 months.

So at the moment i use my reference monitors, Yamaha HS80M.

I think the sound great, i had them in my previous smaller studio as mains for 2 years and got good results.

So anyway, is it a good idea to soffit mount the yamahas?

is there another good solution that gives me serious control over the low end? i have a sub to!

By the way, i am a new member from Sweden and this forum seems so good!

i'm grateful for any help or comments!


Re: Yamaha HS80M

Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2010 3:31 pm
by Soundman2020
There is an announcement at the top of the forum about what to do to assure getting as many responses as possible.
The announcement leads to this post (click here). Actually, several people, who are experts on this forum, will most likely not reply if you don't do what is written in that post. Many others who are very helpful, will most likely not reply out of respect for the moderators' wishes.

- Stuart -