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Why cavities filled w absorbent under floor?

Posted: Sun Feb 01, 2004 12:26 am
by senzei
Thanks for this heaven sent site Jonh...

I wonder about floors, Blue Beard seems to have no cavities, same a
Guruland ( except for ducts in the concrete ) others such as Jonh Eagan¨s
have floated floors. I understand the floating floor concept , but how useful is this in a basement ?( no one lives under ), Are these cavities resonators ?, What is the raised floor at the rear of a control room for ?
is it better to have resonators under the floor rather than on the ceiling or walls ?. thank you Jonh ! My head burns whit these questions....

Hector Castañon

Posted: Sun Feb 01, 2004 3:58 am
by John Sayers
Floating floors are for the ulitmate in isolation, but it's expensive. Joe Egan's studio is a big budget studio that can afford to float the whole studio - plus there are other studios in the same building so isolation is important. Blue Bear on the othet hand doesn't require it.
A typical basement studio home studio really doesn't need a floating floor because it's expensive and you loose ceiling height. Most basements have a minimal ceiling height.

The raised section at the rear of a control room is for the seating. An engineer sitting on an office style chair is higher than someone sitting low in a couch. If you raise the couch it puts the people on the couch at the same eye level. Plus it allows the rear people to see over you into the studio.


Re: Why cavities filled w absorbent under floor?

Posted: Wed Apr 21, 2010 4:02 pm
by jbassino
I think he meant why did you fill the framing with fiberglass and put neoprene pads under it, like making a "floating floor" or more like a "floating couch riser". and why not just build a normal,coupled, solid, not floated wood riser to make the couch higher in height
I ask that to myself too


Re: Why cavities filled w absorbent under floor?

Posted: Wed Apr 21, 2010 4:26 pm
by John Sayers
Oh - i see what you mean Javier - the riser at the rear doesn't need to be floated - it's purely to place everyone at the same eye level. - sit in a typical console chair and turn around and talk to someone on a couch - the couch person is lower and has to look up at you and can't see the console/monitors because you block the view. Also it allows the couch person to see over you into the studio which is why some studio place the couch another step higher.

Re: Why cavities filled w absorbent under floor?

Posted: Thu Apr 22, 2010 12:42 pm
by xSpace
Glad that was cleared up....