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Panel/Cable Placement

Posted: Sun Nov 09, 2008 2:16 pm
by NativeLuv17
Hey guys, I'm relatively new to this aspect of construction and wondering if someone could give a little feedback. My question is regarding XLR panels and the locations of which to put them.
I want to run my snakes from the panel in the live room into my control room, but is it a poor idea to run this under my control room/live room window? This would make it so the panel would be installed into the wall in the live room, right underneath the window.
The wall I would be going through would be a 9 inch deep staggered stud, with soundboard, insulation, z channel, and drywall, and directed through pvc piping, with some type of sound filler. Would this pose any issues electrically or acoustically.
I can run them through conduits (separate from the electric cables) but, would prefer to run shorter cables if possible.
How do most of u guys run yours?
Thanks for helping this rookie out!

Re: Panel/Cable Placement

Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2008 9:59 am
by WayneD
Why does it have to be under the window? Is it possible to mount it on a side wall and bring the snake into the CR from the side? Preferable the side which is not the LR. This way you would not compromise the integrity of the wall that has to deal with the greatest SPL.