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Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2008 11:42 am
by gach
Been lurking around a little, and love what I see, really interesting in soaking up some information, and hopefully adding in some too!

Little background....I am a percussionist, been playing for 9 years, and also build drums as a hobby/small income. I'm a member over a Ghostnote, a drum building forum, check it out if you guys are interested:

I also attend Full Sail University in Recording Arts and Music Business. My options are staying wide open for now, but my main area of interest in Post Production work.

I'm also an architecture/design junkie, so this studio stuff really combines the best of both worlds for me.

I really want to pick up Home Recording Studio: Build it Like the Pro's....I'm really big on recycling, so if anyone is done with the book and willing to sell it, I'm game! Otherwise I wander on over to Barnes & Noble.

Again, great forum guys, and looking forward to getting on here much more!!


Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2008 7:26 pm
by Ro
hai Gach and a very welcome to this forum. Nice to see you took the time to introduce yourself. :)

Re: Hello!

Posted: Tue Jan 20, 2009 9:23 pm
by monophonic
Hey just joined the forum and thought this would be the best place to introduce myself.
I've been looking around this forum for a while and have learnt quite a bit and thought I might get a bit more involved.
Anyways I live in Victoria Australia and I'm starting a career in the entertainment industry as a sound engineer. I've done a few recordings but I've mostly emphasised on live sound and a little bit of lighting. I'm considering starting an Audio engineering course so I can learn alot more, get some networking up and also have access to lots of cool equipment. Eventually I want to run and own my own studio once I have the skill, experience and hopefully a good reputation. Of course this would be a long ways away so I thought I might learn as much as I can from whatever rescource I can, this forum seems perfect.