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Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 11:52 pm
by Drumdrumdrumdrum
I don't know where to put this topic so I throught I would throw it in the wombat hole and see what happens???

I have a few bugs on my Mac to do with this forum

1. Whenever I goto reply to a thread I get redirected to the Index. I then have to find the thread again (which sometimes I've completly forgoten what thread I was reading) :lol: :oops:

2. I've tried to load my Avatar about 6 times. I'm getting a question mark where it should be. Is everyone else seeing a question mark or is it just me?

This last bug is about sketchup. When I have been working on sketchup for a while I start to get the pointer tracing a permeant, strobing type of pixilated line/pattern where ever it goes. It makes a very pretty patter and as soon as I zoom in or out it disappears but it is very hard to use sketchup once this starts happening. If I close the program and open it it still does it. I'll post a sketchup file and see if any of you guys get the same thing. Try and draw a line and you will see what I mean??? Maybe??? :evil:

Can't attach the file. It is too big. Maybe that is why it has a bug. Too much stuff on my sketchup. Maybe because it is a trial version?????

Any sketchup experts out there?
Any computer experts out there?

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2008 6:48 am
by kendale

Sorry to hear about those issues. I'm not a Mac user yet, but perhaps a PM to John, Knightfly, Keith and/or Aaron might prove fruitful.

As far as Sketchup, I've been running the free version for a couple of years now with no problems. Perhaps you could post a 2D image (700 pixels wide, please) of what you're describing. I think I understand what you're saying but need to be sure. They also have a lot of help at their website.

Aloha 8)

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2008 2:43 pm
by Drumdrumdrumdrum
Can't seem to show you what I,m talking about.

I draw the pixels all over the image and as soon as I export it to 2D they all disappear.

No really aunty bertha, I saw a wobmbal in the back yard. honestly, it was there :cry:

I'll try uninstalling my SketchUp and reinstalling?

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2008 7:50 pm
by kendale

Does it look like this? ------------------------------------------------------------

Aloha 8)

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2008 8:37 pm
by Drumdrumdrumdrum

Kind of. ----------

It looks more like --- --
--- --- ---
----- --- ---
-- --

Its like a wake left by the drawing tool, ohh, and its colored, different colors.

I think it maybe because of the way I'm putting components in my sketchup? I don't know how to put a new component in the component window so I just cut and paste them from another file and after a few times doing that....Bam!!! the wired little trail starts appearing out of the tip of the drawing tool.

Thanks Kendale.

PS - I'm really impressed by your craftsmanship. I have a goal to build a cloud as good as yours. No....better :D

Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2008 11:29 pm
by Drumdrumdrumdrum
Well....It is not the way I'm pasting components into SketchUp.

I just did a design and did not import one component and it eventually still did the funny colored dotted wake following after the pointer.

I'm still getting redirected back to the index when I post too.

Can anyone see my Avatar???

Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2008 11:41 pm
by xSpace
Drumdrumdrumdrum wrote:I'm still getting redirected back to the index when I post too.
I have that issue sometimes, on a pc, usually I log in, making certain my browser is informed to keep me logged in and it goes away.
Log me on automatically each visit:

good luck

Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2008 5:34 am
by kendale

I've copied & pasted from several different components many, many times and haven't experienced what you're describing...yet.

No avatar to be seen on this end. :?:

Aloha 8)

Posted: Tue May 13, 2008 4:03 pm
by underspecialization
the free sketchup started doing the same thing on my macbook..worked fine for awhile then went to the same wacky stuff you're describing.

Anyone know a fix for this yet?