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Re: Acoustic hangers

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2010 12:12 pm
by xSpace
That is the beauty of being here...usually when the question is being asked...someone already answered it.


Re: Acoustic hangers

Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2010 1:18 am
by seamus
Why is the sky blue?

Re: Acoustic hangers

Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2010 2:10 am
by Soundman2020
Actually, the sky is not blue: It only looks that way....


(PS. ... because of Raleigh scattering...)

Re: Acoustic hangers

Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2010 2:17 am
by carsten_d
because it opens the throat chakra and helps people sing also it lets you pour forth your inspiration
you can find it here ----->>>>> click click


Re: Acoustic hangers

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2011 4:09 pm
by smallfish
Homosote is a soft fiberboard. It's the board they use for notice boards and often comes with one side painted white so you can mount it on the wall and stick notices on it with drawing pins

(Spam signature deleted by moderator. And the poster will also be deleted if he keeps on trying these stupid tricks)

Re: Acoustic hangers

Posted: Sat May 07, 2011 8:18 am
by mika
Why is the sky blue?
Do you realy need the whole answer? :wink:


Re: Acoustic hangers

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2012 10:00 pm
by ToneAlive
John, how does a hanger like the one you posted in sketchup file at the beginning of this thread compare to a trap panel or your standard broadband rear wall absorber when being used as a rear wall absorber?

I am trying to decide how to treat the rear of my control room. As you can see, the bathroom and iso booth are at the rear. SO, I could put panels up ON the doors and wall spaces, but I am liking the more elegant option of hanging something in between the couch and the rear wall/bathroom&closet doors. Would it be best to build a hanger like the one you posted in this thread, build trap panels, or hang broadband absorbers back there?

Just a couple of notes if you need them: My control room will be about 22.5 feet from the front to the rear wall/bathroom&closet doors. I am planning on doing corner bass traps as well, in the rear, as well as in the front until I can soffit mount my monitors. Also, I might do a soft ceiling, but if not, it will be finished drywall with ceiling clouds. Also, I will probably be using the couch area as a mastering location, so my head would be pretty close to whatever is behind it.

Re: Acoustic hangers

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2012 10:15 pm
by Soundman2020
You are showing a THREE LEAF SYSTEM for your iso booth! :!: :shock: Why? Are you aware of how that will make your isolation WORSE for low frequencies? I would suggest that you reconsider that, and make it into a two-leaf system.

- Stuart -

Re: Acoustic hangers

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2012 10:29 pm
by ToneAlive
You are showing a THREE LEAF SYSTEM for your iso booth! :!: :shock: Why? Are you aware of how that will make your isolation WORSE for low frequencies? I would suggest that you reconsider that, and make it into a two-leaf system.
oops!! your right! I've been through so many drafts of designs, I didn't even realize I drew up too many walls on this one! Thanks Stuart! ...actually, what if I do 7 leafs? :o

btw, I addressed my question to John, but yours as well as anyone else's wisdom is more than welcome!!

Re: Acoustic hangers

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2012 11:23 pm
by Soundman2020
I addressed my question to John, but yours as well as anyone else's wisdom is more than welcome!!
When it comes to hangers, John's the man! He's the guy who understands them best, and there isn't much along the line of theory or research about them to go on. But they do work!

- Stuart -

Re: Acoustic hangers

Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2012 12:18 am
by ToneAlive
Oh I'm sure they work great.. I know that John has mentioned them specifically for use as corner absorbers and ceiling treatment. And you can see how they are implemented inside of false wall cavities. So I'm just wondering if they work equally well as rear wall absorbers when actually used as a rear wall absorber and if so, why it would be worth it to build one of those as opposed to a regular broadband absorber when they would cost way more to build and take up more depth space.

Re: Acoustic hangers

Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2012 12:32 am
by Soundman2020
... and take up more depth space.
There's your answer! :) Depth of absorption on the rear wall is a good thing, always. Some of John's designs have a couple of feet at the rear, and he has mentioned seeing other studios with absorption going back many feet... The deeper you have it, the better, in general. A 4" layer of 703 spaced out a couple of inches from the wall with superchunks in the corners is not bad, but there's no way that can compete with 24" of hangers across the entire wall.... :)

- Stuart -

Re: Acoustic hangers

Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2012 1:07 am
by ToneAlive
I hear ya.. So are you saying that because the Hanger is a deeper design, that trying to match its depth just with insulation in a regular broadband absorber that is as thick, would end up being more expensive because of the amount of insulation required, whereas the Hangers take advantage of the depth by being angled, and therfore, not as much actual material is necessary? wow that was a long run-on sentence.

Re: Acoustic hangers

Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2012 2:39 am
by Soundman2020

(Wow, that was a short concise answer! :) )

- Stuart -

Re: Acoustic hangers

Posted: Mon Nov 12, 2012 8:43 am
by pask74
One more great thread that makes me want to try the hangers technique ;-)
(By the way, I guess those hangers' inner panels are called "Pavatex" in Switzerland (any other Swiss around who could confirm?).)