Also I was kicking around on the website (not too many studios there in Lone Jack), out of curiousity were some of the rooms pre-existing? The demensions on the website seem like unusual dimensions (16x17x8, 12x14x12, etc) for a purpose built studio. Not trying to be critical at all, just curious about the philosophy and the project overall.
I'm not sure how the rooms ended up at those dimensions. When I came on board the project, all of the rooms were already fully built, with the walls all in place and not able to be moved. I did the best I could with what I was given. I probably would have arranged the rooms differently, with different dimensions, if I would have been called in from the absolute beginning, but the final outcome is certainly pretty darn good, I think, regardless of the room dimensions! I honestly don't think that it could have been substantially better with different dimensions. The treatment deals with that rather well, I reckon.
I'm a bit hesitant to publish the actual raw MDAT files, firstly because they are not mine: they really belong to the studio owner, who has not authorized me to do that (although he doesn't mind at all showing off the graphs of what he achieved in his room!), and secondly because of the numerous incorrect ways of setting the parameters for creating graphs and viewing the data in REW. I'm not questioning that you know how to set them correctly, Ryan, but most people don't!
However, I have been meaning to update this thread with the final data for a while now, and I've never been able to get around to it. But now you have prompted me to go through the data files and do a final set of graphs, showing how things ended up after we completely finished tweaking everything as far as it would go.
So here's how the room acoustics actually ended up: the way it is today. The main difference you'll see in the graphs is that, instead of being ruler flat, we "tilted" the response a bit. We wanted to "tilt" things a little like that, slightly enhancing the bass, to match the tried-and-trusted B&K curve, from many years back. The B&K curve favors the low end with a slight rise, and gently rolls off the high end, which most engineers find to be the best environment for mixing accurately. So we did that, and we also tweaked a few other things, as you can see in these final graphs.
First, the final frequency response graph:
I'm putting that one first, since most people erroneously think that it's the most important indicator of the "quality" of a room (it isn't). The graph above is smoothed using a "psycho acoustic" filter, to closely emulate how a normal person actually perceives the sound.
For people who don't agree that psych-acoustic smoothing is the most accurate way of representing frequency response data, and prefer the older "standard" of one-third octave smoothing, here's how the same data looks with 1/3 octave smoothing:
And for purist that think one third octave smoothing goes too far and can hide details, here's the same data with 50% less smoothing: 1/6 octave.
And for those freaky perfectionists who are really, really, beyond all hope, there's even a graph of the frequency response smoothed even less, to another 50% lower than above, at 1/12 octave:
Still pretty darn impressive, even at this high resolution.
Note that all of the above graphs show t
he entire audible spectrum and beyond: form 18Hz to 22 kHz. The normal hearing range for most humans (young ones, with undamaged hearing) is 20 Hz to 20 kHz. I ran all the tests from 10% lower than the lowest limit, to 10% higher than the highest limit, to ensure that we got more than the complete picture. And even at those extremes (which actually reach the limits of the test gear we were using), things are clean and sharp.
For those who are questioning the slight "roughness" in the mid range of many of these graphs, at around 500 Hz, that's due to the presence of the console and desk, and there's not much that can be done about that. (We did a couple of tests with the mic forward of the console, and that roughness disappears). But it's rather low level, and not audible anyway, so it's not really relevant.
OK, so the above is frequency domain data. Now for the time-domain stuff, which is actually more important than the pure frequency response.
Waterfall for the low end of the spectrum, from 18 Hz to 500 Hz, completely raw data (smoothed at the absolute minimum level of 1/48 octave, which is basicallyu no smoothing at all!):
Most experts recommend only looking at the data up to 200 Hz, since that really defines the overall room sound, and above that it tends to get rougher anyway, but I'm showing all the way up to 500 Hz (more than an octave higher) to show just how smooth we managed to get the entire low end, even at this very high resolution, without smoothing! Not many rooms can boast that type of precision.
Here's the same data as above, smoothed to a more realistic 1/6 octave (much more like human hearing really perceives it):
Plus also smoothed to the "standard" level of 1/3 octave:
And in case you think there might be something hidden in the rest of the spectrum (above 500 Hz), here's the waterfall for the entire audible spectrum, 18 Hz to 22 kHz, smoothed to 1/6 octave (realistic perception) and also 1/3 octave ("standard").
Ahh, what the hell... just in case there's someone who actually thinks that even 1/6 is still too much smoothing, here's the entire waterfall, full spectrum (and more), 18 Hz to 22 kHz,
unsmoothed (1/48 octave):
Enough of waterfalls already!
Of course, everyone wants to see the ubiquitous RT-60 graph, showing the actual decay decay times for each 1/3 octave band across the entire spectrum:
Perhaps not a hugely useful graph, but many people expect to see that, to base their opinion on the smoothness of the decay times in adjacent frequency bands.
Next up, the spectrograms, completely unsmoothed. First just for the low end of the spectrum (always the most important, by far):
Then for the entire spectrum, also completely unsmoothed:
Once again, those are for 18 Hz to 22 kHz. Beyond the audible spectrum at both ends. Hiding nothing, even at the extremes.
For more sophisticated folks who want the actual impulse response, here it is in the form of an ETC graph (Energy Time Curve), very lightly smoothed by just 0.1ms, to make it more readable:
That's probably one of the most useful graphs, actually!
You can clearly see how there are no reflections at all above -25 dB, ever. (There's a true reflection free zone around the mix position, without any doubt! Mission accomplished.). You can also see that the level drops very fast to around -35 dB, where it stays constant for about 50 ms to provide some nice ambiance (reduces fatigue, makes it pleasant to mix in the room for long periods of time), then the level gradually declines smoothly all the way down to nothing. (Yes, the noise floor in that room really does allow measuring that amount of detail, down to -90 dB with REW).
And finally, some more esoteric graphs that are a bit harder to explain, but rather impressive for those who understand them: Excess group delay:
First, the full spectrum (smoothed 1/6 octave):
And then just the low end:
It's not easy to describe what group delay really is, in understandable terms, but you can think of it as showing how much each frequency has been delayed by the entire signal chain, by the time it gets to your ears. It's related to phase, of course. It's sort of showing you how faithfully the system gets the sound to your ears without changing the timing or phase relationship between the various parts of the signal.
And one more for the real connoisseur: minimum phase. If you don't know what that is, then google it, as its really hard to explain. If you do know what it is, then please note that it's pretty much flat across the entire spectrum (roughly 80 Hz to 15 kHz), except for the two extremes. The total rotation is from -180° at 30 Hz to about -480° at 20 kHz, so roughly 300° across the full spectrum, end to end. Not even one full cycle.
So that's it. That's the final outcome of this room design, construction, and tuning process. There's more on the Studio 3 website itself, if you are interested.
One final tidbit of info: Rod and I have never met, never spoken on the phone, and I have never even been to this studio! All of that you see was accomplished over the internet, remotely, through e-mail, photos, videos, SketchUp, and REW. I mention that, because some people who are looking for studio designers think that it is essential to have the designer on-site, "doing stuff" in person. It isn't necessary at all! I think that's abundantly clear from this project...
Hope that's useful, for everyone interested in how this exceptional control room actually turned out. Rod DeMoss (the studio owner) did a fantastic job of building this place, with excellent attention to detail, exactly the way I designed it, even when he thought I was certifiably crazy, or overdosed on caffeine, with some weird treatment device that I wanted him to build.... He does justice to my signature (see below)! There's not even the slightest hint of "that'll do" in his build.
Of course, the REAL test is to actually go there and record something, then mix it! Feel free to contact Rod and book some studio time with him. Hopefully, you'll be just as impressed in real life, as the graphs show.
- Stuart -