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Re: Sharward's Studio - Partial Garage Conversion, ISOLATED Slab

Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 11:56 pm
by cadesignr
I can only hope and plan to put in some effort on the studio here and there,
I know the feeling well Kieth :roll: Been there for 5 yrs and counting. It sucks when you are so close, yet no time to deal with it.
But my community is dying and I feel a genuine calling to try to save it.
I'm from Sacramento Kieth. I know about Sacramento communities. Mine was Citrus Heights. The government there was one of the main reasons I moved to Oregon. I had one experience in the lobby of the Citrus Heights City Hall where the local police surrounded me to intimidate me into being quiet about their "Code Enforcement" gestapo. Because I refused to shut up, two reporters who happen to be there, wrote articles in local papers about not only the incident, but their little team of Code Enforcement goons and practices as well. From that moment on for four months, I was harrassed, stopped in my car, threatened, followed by the local KGB :cop: and was forced to indure an invasion of privacy via their Code Inforcement gestapo again. That did it. I sold my home and moved the hell out of California. I'll NEVER go back to that hell hole. If you think your rights mean anything there, you better think again. The government there LAUGHS at you in your face. I KNOW. The LAUGHED at me when they invaded my home. The "code enforcement" goons actually carried weapons and had a local cop waiting outside. Hmmm, they ought to rename Citrus Hieghts.."Little Moscow" :roll:
Once I moved to Coos Bay Oregon, I found a peace here that cannot be imagined by people in Sacramento. Its like another country. What people don't realize, is Sacramento has become a breeding ground for tyrannical government psycopaths and theives. I don't know about your community because I don't know where you live, but I wish you all the luck kicking out the incumbant cockroaches. :yahoo: And with your studio.

Re: Sharward's Studio - Partial Garage Conversion, ISOLATED Slab

Posted: Wed May 13, 2009 7:06 am
by Dan Fitzpatrick
Good luck with everything Keith, I'm always thinking of you.

Hey you might not have a fire station, but at least you have a Starbucks right?


Re: Sharward's Studio - Partial Garage Conversion, ISOLATED Slab

Posted: Wed May 13, 2009 7:56 am
by John Sayers
sounds like your town needs a good stir up Keith - go for it :)

My fire chief lives directly opposite me :)

Re: Sharward's Studio - Partial Garage Conversion, ISOLATED Slab

Posted: Sat Aug 01, 2009 10:59 am
by spoonandfork
argh 96 pages and then this! You're killing us not finishing it. I wanted to build studio then started reading 'home studio.. build it like the pros' and have blocked the idea from my head! seems like the planning and researching is about 1000x more work than the building. even if you isolate a new slab! Also was wondering did you calculate the weight of all your walls, ceiling and potential contents? I understand you made a new slab to support your room, not just for sound transmission reasons? What's the grand total?

Re: Sharward's Studio - Partial Garage Conversion, ISOLATED Slab

Posted: Tue Nov 10, 2009 2:13 am
by jwl
Uh oh. Sharward's thread has been polluted by spam..... ;-)

Re: Sharward's Studio - Partial Garage Conversion, ISOLATED Slab

Posted: Tue Nov 10, 2009 3:43 am
by Pure L
Sharward forever!!

Re: Sharward's Studio - Partial Garage Conversion, ISOLATED

Posted: Mon Jan 24, 2011 7:51 am
by Riff
Can't let this die. This thread is EPIC! I hope he comes back to finish up. He was so motivated and detail oriented, I hope he can finish.

Re: Sharward's Studio - Partial Garage Conversion, ISOLATED

Posted: Thu May 02, 2013 11:41 pm
by Aaronw
Sharward, it's been 4 years since your last post here. Any news or updates on your neighborhood or the studio??? Hope things are well with you & yours. Chime in and say Hello if you get a chance. :wink:

Re: Sharward's Studio - Partial Garage Conversion, ISOLATED

Posted: Fri May 03, 2013 12:50 am
by sharward
I plan to pick up the project again in a matter of weeks, actually. It's depressing to think about (and see every day) how much I did and how hard I worked, only to stall out. As usual I have a couple of things I'd liie to get out of the way first, like a back yard fence replacement (mostly done) and a back yard relandscape (underway). I also would like to do a master bathroom remodel but I am absolutely committed to NOT starting that until the studio is done.

Thanks for the nudge. I'll get there. And it will be awesome.

Re: Sharward's Studio - Partial Garage Conversion, ISOLATED

Posted: Fri May 03, 2013 1:00 am
by sharward
I should point out (for those who care?) that in 2009 and 2010 I was heavily involved in a political campaign to oust our entrenched and well-funded 10-year incumbent councilperson. We were victorious and made history. The heart and soul I put into that campaign was every bit as intensive as what I put into my studio project and is perhaps the biggest reason I stalled out on this. Winning the campaign however, as it turned out, was the end of the beginning of my community involvement. A neighborhood association I co-founded also keeps me really busy. In fact, I'll be attending a Parks & Recreation Commission meeting this evening. It's hard to pull out or pull back from these things, especially when there are successes and the issues always seem to be more pressing. Oh, and we adopted a retired racing greyhound two years ago and that takes up quite a bit of our time these days as well! Maybe my next batch o' photos will include some of Onyx the greyhound.

Re: Sharward's Studio - Partial Garage Conversion, ISOLATED

Posted: Fri May 03, 2013 2:45 am
by Lou
Just really nice to hear from you Sharward!

Wishing you the best in your endeavours, and thinking of you!

Lou. 8)

Re: Sharward's Studio - Partial Garage Conversion, ISOLATED

Posted: Fri May 03, 2013 2:59 am
by jwl
Lou wrote:Just really nice to hear from you Sharward!

Wishing you the best in your endeavours, and thinking of you!

Lou. 8)
This. Totally agreed.....

And Sharward, it sounds like you are doing good work, fighting the good fight, etc etc. Just don't forget to make space in your reality for teh rockage.

Re: Sharward's Studio - Partial Garage Conversion, ISOLATED

Posted: Fri May 03, 2013 4:53 am
by sharward
Thanks, guys. If we had lost that election, then I'd have not wanted to stay in this community. We won 51% to 42% (a third runner got 7%) and we did it with a fraction of the money and nobody on the campaign was paid except for the bookkeeper.

Re: Sharward's Studio - Partial Garage Conversion, ISOLATED

Posted: Fri May 03, 2013 5:42 am
by Soundman2020
I am really, really glad to see you back, Sharward! It was actually your thread that inspired me to join up here, all those years ago. I actually spent a few entire days reading through your entire thread, every single page, sharing your triumphs and heartbreaks. And I felt sort of "robbed" when I got to the last page, and it wasn't finished. So this is exciting! I'm really glad you won your election, but even gladder that you are going to pull out you tool box again, and your camera!

I am SO looking forward to this! It's like finally getting to watch the end of a great movie that I missed out on! :snack:

Welcome back.

- Stuart -

Re: Sharward's Studio - Partial Garage Conversion, ISOLATED

Posted: Fri May 03, 2013 8:14 pm
by Ro
Hai Shar! I totally missed your visit in march.
Who said building a soundroom would be a matter of weeks... I know, same struggles here. But, we'll get it done. and when it's done, it's gonna rock. sure it will!