I would really like to see such a case! Can you show us one? I mean, show us a scenario where a multileaf assembly gives better performance across the entire spectrum than a two-leaf MSM structure, all other factors being equal (cost, space, mass, thickness, etc).if TL is desired to be higher than possible with a given assembly for higher frequencies (greater than Fr), Multi-Leaf assemblies may be required.
But that's an entirely different case! You just switched sides on your own argument! Are you arguing for multi-leaf structures being better and desirable? Or are you arguing that sometimes you just have no choice? That's two entirely different things. Everyone agrees that sometimes there really is no choice, and that a 3-leaf is the only solution, but NOT because it is a BETTER solution acoustically, simply because there is another overriding factor that forces isolation to take a back seat. Examples are: existing structures that cannot be modified, code, time, cost, space, weight, etc.Also, as Mr. Gervais I think stated already, real-world (usually economic) concerns sometimes prevent us from being able to get away from Triple-Leaf designs by removing an existing Leaf in an already finished structure -
In other words, make up your mind! If you are arguing the case that multi-leaf can be better than two-leaf, all other factors being equal, then go ahead and make that case. But don't try to then claim that the justification for that argument is that "sometimes you have no choice". That's an entirely different argument, and in fact using that argument automatically implies that multi-leaf is not the best solution, that there was a better solution acoustically (ie, 2-leaf), but that some OTHER factor moved it to second place.
You can't have it both ways! Either multi-leaf is always better acoustically, or it isn't better acoustically but sometimes you have no choice but to prefer it over the "better" solution, (which is always going to be two-leaf MSM).
Once again, you are arguing form the defeatist point of view: Your argument itself recognizes that multi-leaf is NOT the best solution acoustically, but that there are OTHER FACTORS that leave you with no other choice than to use it EVEN THOUGH it is not the best.for certain designs to be physically possible and structurally sound given commonly available materials, especially with structural retrofits, there might not be too many sensible ways to achieve very high TL's without using a multi-leaf system
Well, to be honest, I don't see anyone here saying that the best way to build a 2-leaf MSM wall is with masonry products that make solid, flush (mechanically unified) leafs! Rather, I see people using plain old drywall sheets nailed to plain old wooden studs. It's hard to envision a case where such a construction method is not possible. And one more time, your phrase "...might be a case where it could become necessary" admits defeat: you are arguing for compromise, for choosing multi-leaf for other reasons, even though it is not the best solution acoustically.If one were unable to pour concrete into a stable wall, or use masonry products that made solid, flush (mechanically unified) leafs, this might be a case where it could become necessary.
Try not to think of it in terms of acoustics: try to think of it more familiar terms, such as trying to force a clock pendulum to swing at any rate other than its natural rate. Or better still, think of it in terms of electronics: an MSM wall is roughly equivalent to a tuned RC circuit. The spring is the capacitor, and the mass is the resistance. Or you can even think of it like a parametric equalizer. Acoustics is confusing, but real-world analogies are rather helpful. For me, at least.Also, as I struggle to understand the underlying concepts of the M-S-M concepts
Yes, but if you are going to use such materials then you need to consider them in the MSM equations, in which case you cannot use the simplified version, and you'd need to fall back on other more complex equations that take these into account. Or if you don't have any such equations then you'd have to test your hypothetical materials in an acoustic lab, to extract the equations empirically.is it not true that any single material might exhibit properties that are both Mass-like and Spring-like
But once again, you are sliding the goalposts: Either mult-leaf is better per se, or it isn't. If you have to resort to exotic and really expensive materials, and more complex mathematics, just to get the same result, then you kind of defeated the purpose of the exercise, didn't you?
The MSM equations do no speak of solids and gasses: they speak of masses and springs. Simple Newtonian mechanics. The masses are assumed to be rigid, or rather sufficiently rigid that their "springiness" is negligible, and the spring is assumed to be mass-less, or rather sufficiently low density that the mass is negligible. Yeah, if you really wanted to, you could consider the mass of the air as part of the equation, and you could also consider the springiness of the masses, but doing so would not change the results by enough to be of concern, for regular building materials and reasonable costs. Once again, if you have to resort to exotic materials in order to make your point, then you kind of defeated the purpose of the exercise.or is this strictly a case of trying to differentiate situations where a solid and a gas are compared?
For example, I postulate that a room made from a single leaf of uranium six inches thick will absolutely beat any conceivable multi-leaf structure you can come up with, but such a structure is rather impractical...
Exactly. From the point of view of the MSM equations, mass is mass. Exotic materials do not change the mass.Specifically, are laminates of differing materials considered to be the Mass portion, regardless of differences in their densities
Think of it this way: if you take the pendulum off a grandfather clock and replace it with one made from laminates of MLV, carpet and egg crates, but having the same overall mass, will that make the clock run at a different speed? Obviously not: it won't change a thing. It is the mass that counts, not how you made the mass. And the higher then density, the better. Once you start resorting to things with low density, you start blurring the boundaries of the wall, thus invalidating the equations.
No, not for any practical MSM wall. You seem to be talking about coincidence dip, which is an entirely different thing.If the Inverse Square Law holds true for acoustics, shouldn't it be possible to design multi-leaf "laminates" whereby the differing leaf densities and distances between leaves would increase in such a way that the overall resonances would not coincide, thereby reducing the effect of unimodal low frequency transmission
If you just stack up a whole bunch of differing materials, with differing acoustic impedances, all that you succeed in doing is changing the mass of the composite, from the MSM point of view. You might manage to change the path of some higher frequency sound waves through the wall, but you won't change the overall isolation provided by the wall by much. Once again, go back to the pendulum in the grandfather clock: Can you make it swing faster or slower by laminating a large number of exotic materials together but keeping the mass the same? Obviously, no you cannot. You can change the speed by changing the mass, period. Nothing else has any effect.
When it comes to MSM acoustic isolation, the number one law is this: Mass rules. (The number two law is: distance rules.)
There simply is no place in the equations that govern how an MSM wall works for the materials that go into it. If you change the materials, you change the mass, period. It doesn't matter how you made the mass, or how much you paid for it, or how much time you spent carefully laminating together your magical materials, in the end all that matters to the sound waves is the mass.
So, back to your original point: Can a multi-leaf wall be built that will isolate sound just as effectively as a two-leaf MSM wall? Absolutely it can! But it will cost a whole lot more, take up more space and be more complex to build. Which comes back to the basic point of the good old 2-leaf MSM wall: It is the best isolation you can get at reasonable cost and in a reasonable amount of space and using reasonable materials. You simply cannot build a multi-leaf wall that is both cheaper and better, or easier to build.
- Stuart -