Soffit mounting KRK VXT6?

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Funky Animal
Posts: 106
Joined: Fri Feb 22, 2008 10:36 am
Location: Nieuw-Buinen, The Netherlands

Soffit mounting KRK VXT6?

Post by Funky Animal »

Ok, so I'm busy designing and drawning out detailed info on my control room. I'm thinking of Sofift mounting the speakers, as per drawnings of John, and following his method! Now I've been using the new KRK VXT 6's since they first were released (about 1,5 year ago). I'm really satisfied with them, and think I've got 2 speakers that work good for mixing.

Now 2 questions.
1 - Is it worth soffit mounting these?
2 - Due to their odd shape, it's pretty difficult toget the space around it airtight....

I hope there's someone that can help me.
