but most of what you guys are doing is making fun of a man who made some mistakes and the cost was to him, not any of you.
Brien, I really don't see it that way. I don't think anyone is making fun of Lou, or his excellent thread, or his incredible dedication, nor his finished, successful studio. I hope I didn't come across as "making fun of him", because that certainly isn't my intention, and I don't think it was anyone else's intention either. I, for one, greatly, greatly admire Lou and what he accomplished.
That's one of the drawbacks of forums like this, I guess: you can make a serious comment in good faith, and have it interpreted by someone else as something totally different from what you actually said, or intended to say. Not being able to see expressions and hear the tone of people's voices is always an issue on forums, especially as here where there are many people from all around the world whose first language is not English, and who make huge efforts to do their best in a foreign language, but can easily be misunderstood by others, due to a slight misuse of grammar or punctuation, or a missed subtlety.
So I don't see this thread as being "making fun" of anyone.
Rather, I see it as an opportunity to learn: As Eric said, to learn that not all big-name "studio builders" (or even small-name ones) actually know what they are doing. Just because a company has a long list of clients does not imply that they are competent. I'll bet you know that yourself form the building industry!
And also to learn that basic errors can slip by even here, where a whole bunch of real experts post regularly, but a design happened to get posted when none of them was looking.
And also to learn that it is very, very important to understand the principles of acoustics as well as one possibly can, to hopefully avoid this kind of situation.
So, Lou, if you are following this thread and took offense at anything I said, then I apologize: it wasn't my intention at all. I'm just really, honestly curious as to how your studio actually works (acoustically), and I know it
does work because you have made many successful recordings in there, and have stated numerous times how happy you are with it. I'm not questioning that it is a successful build at all! I'm curious as to WHY it works so well, despite those issues that Eric, Rod, John, Andre and others have pointed out. That's the purpose of my comments: just trying to understand it, in my endless quest to get a handle on sound and acoustics.
- Stuart -