Yikes! I've created a monster!

How thick should my walls be, should I float my floors (and if so, how), why is two leaf mass-air-mass design important, etc.

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Yikes! I've created a monster!

Post by fenderbender »

Can anyone help with acoustic treatment in this room (see attachments)? I’m not to worried about isolation. I live in the sticks in northern Canada and my nearest neighbor is far enough away that it’s not a real concern. The main issue is acoustic treatment, speaker placement, etc inside. The other concern is (obviously) keeping the &%^$# cold out! We hit –35 in the winter quite often up here. Summers are hot and we well over 90 quite often. Another issue is that I’m, well, um, er, “financially embarrassed” shall we say? I’ve probably got about $300 max to work with. Anyway, enough of the Canuck whining, eh?

Due to the size of the room I’m think I’m probably looking at a “one room does it all” situation. I’m recording mostly rock/alternative stuff with a the odd “folky” acoustic/vox gig. I’m also doing the mixdown and mastering. I’ve been getting decent results with the recording, but because of the acoustics the mixdown and mastering is a nightmare.

I’ve surfed a hundred sites related to acoustical treatment and ended up so confused I don’t know what’s what any more. From what I have seen so far, the sloped ceilings are going to be a challenge. I can’t find any formulas or that sort of thing that covers that. BTW, the egg cartons are going into the fire pit today! At the advice of a well meaning friend I thought they were the real thing when I converted the old tool shed into this mess. Mr. Sayers, bless him, set me straight on that one.

You folks seem to have the best handle on this stuff so far. Care to give it a shot?

Thanx dudes.
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Post by knightfly »

Not that you're going to be able to do it for $300 (especially $300 Canadian) but Dave's suggestion on your other thread


would solve several problems. One, it would mellow out the modal problems your identical length and width cause, because now the walls left and right front would be hard, reflecting to the rear wall which would be heavily absorbed - also, your mix position needs to be further front. Building flusn mounts for your "far fields" will clean up a lot of the acoustic "trash" you're getting from 4 pi space with those speakers (sound field will be smoother without the rear radiation caused by free-standing speakers) Also, the ceiling over the mix area will reflect to the rear, improving clarity because of less early reflections -

There's more, but I'm on the way to work for now - If you were to build the inner walls as Dave drew, and if you can't afford the glass/extra room right now just frame for the window and put solid paneling there for now - if you keep the inner paneling fairly light (say 1/2" gypsum, or plywood) and put absorptive hangers between the old and new walls, you'll improve bass trapping in the room. Some 2-3" rigid fiberglas on the REAR slope of the ceiling, + dave's ideas, and you're on the way... Steve
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